Anthropocentrism | Mass Extinction from Industrialized Fast Fashion | Blind Consumerism

I first learned of the term anthropocentrism through Eileen Crist’s articulate and powerful speech ‘Confronting Anthropocentrism’.

concerning human self indulgence without any consideration for other living creatures, and wrote about it in this blog.

The term comes to mind as I watched this documentary film by Andrew Morgan, about the immense pollution, waste and indulgence of the fast fashion industry. 

The True Cost | Documentary | Clothing Industry | Fashion Market | Capitalism | Modern Slavery

The True Cost | Documentary | Clothing Industry | Fashion Market | Capitalism | Modern Slavery
The True Cost | Documentary | Clothing Industry | Fashion Market | Capitalism | Modern Slavery
Fashion’s Environmental Impact
Fashion’s Environmental Impact

I posted this together with another blog on the similar theme. Double Happiness.

Carol Keiter aka nomadbeatz welcomes donations for her writing, photography, illustrations, eBook and music composition

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About carolkeiter
Aspiring writer, artist, musician and composer who was born and raised in the United States and has resided in several European countries. Communication is my forte; both through using various tools and in approaching people of divers backgrounds to gather information. Speak conversational - advanced intermediate - French, German and Spanish. Love interacting with people in cultural centers as much as going to remote places to learn more about the different creatures that share our planet. Love of the outdoors and of a variety of outdoor sports. Driven to learn and expand my own consciousness and understanding through curiosity and love of life. Creative skills merge with analytical ones, leading to an interest in a myriad of topics; ranging from politics, economics, science to environmental. Motivated to use my art, music and writing to support and educate people towards humane practices that support and respect all of life, including practices supporting a healthy planet.

2 Responses to Anthropocentrism | Mass Extinction from Industrialized Fast Fashion | Blind Consumerism

  1. Anthropocentrism may be abbreviated as GREED and SELFISHNESS. I know of no other animal child than humans that those words would most accurately describe. Non-human creatures more often sense the need to survive through sharing limited resources.

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