Earth Day 50th | We Love The Earth | Confronting Anthropocentrism | Look for the Good

Here is to looking forward! Change our hearts from our anthropomorphic view of only seeing the earth and all of its different creatures as resources and objects to use, to loving all earthlings. and recognizing our interdependency.

We Love The Earth

We Love The Earth animated video, Lil Dicky, Earth

We Love The Earth animated video By Lil Dicky – Earth


50th Anniversary of Earth Day

was officially April 22, 2020. I watched the ongoing broadcasts and listened to many very articulate youth activists who fully impressed me. There were numerous featured scientists, artists and musicians and indigenous people bringing forth informative and inspiring messages as well. Thank you all so much for sharing and being part of the voice of the new evolving story.

What prompted me to write this blog in the first place, was synchronistically coming upon this powerful 20 minute video presentation by Eileen Crist, in her ‘Confronting Anthropocentrism’. Powerful information as a mirror for humanity to look into the mirror, and move forward.

Confronting Anthropocentrism, Eileen Crist

Confronting Anthropocentrism presentation by Eileen Crist

Even Pope Francis speaks to power. The pontiff said that the (Wuhan virus) Coronavirus outbreak offers an opportunity to slow down the rate of production and consumption and to learn to understand and contemplate the natural world.

“We did not respond to the partial catastrophes. Who now speaks of the fires in Australia, or remembers that 18 months ago a boat could cross the North Pole because the glaciers had all melted? Who speaks now of the floods?” the Pope said.

Pope says coronavirus pandemic could be nature's response to climate crisis

Pope says coronavirus pandemic could be nature’s response to climate crisis

Imagining a Post-Coronavirus World: Ending Ravenous Capitalism and Our Consumer-Driven Promiscuity

Imagining a Post-Coronavirus World: Ending Ravenous Capitalism and Our Consumer-Driven Promiscuity, Andy Worthington

Imagining a Post-Coronavirus World: Ending Ravenous Capitalism and Our Consumer-Driven Promiscuity, Andy Worthington

The Solutions to the Climate Crisis No One is Talking About, Robert Reich

The Solutions to the Climate Crisis No One is Talking About with Robert Reich

Storyteller and film maker Julio Vincent Gambuto wrote an excellent article talking about moving forward. “Prepare for the Ultimate Gas Lighting

“What happened is inexplicably incredible. It’s the greatest gift ever unwrapped. Not the deaths, not the virus, but The Great Pause”

And with this, I only will add two wonderful music videos by artists who contributed their work for Earth Day.

This astoundingly positive message by Jason Mraz – Look For The Good

Trump Outrageously Attempts Bribing DE for Exclusive Rights to Covid-19 Vaccine

“German ministers have reacted angrily following reports US president Donald Trump offered a German medical company “large sums of money” for exclusive rights to a Covid-19 vaccine.” Excuse me, did i read this correctly? So Trump would like to capitalize on a vaccine, to exclusively own, control and drive the prices higher; with more concern for profit than saving lives worldwide?

Coronavirus: anger in Germany at report Trump seeking exclusive vaccine deal.

Coronavirus: anger in Germany at report Trump seeking exclusive vaccine deal.

Coronavirus: anger in Germany at report Trump seeking exclusive vaccine deal.

This is a mad man, of the mentality which has arrived through decades of a population who have been increasing fixated on reproducing and consuming, driven by marketing lies and blindly following the herd. This mentality of followers have been conned into voting for this masquerade of a leader, who was groomed and bred not as a diplomat, but dégoutant (french for disgusting). This mentality allowed the Sackler family to get away with murdering hundreds of thousands (certainly my number is an underestimate). How many years has the opiate epidemic in the USA been allowed to continue with a blind eye?

This is too preposterous to be real. Trump wanted to persuade, once again through money and bribery, the exclusive rights to the Corona virus vaccine (not yet developed) and exclusive US access. Let’s expose this malicious excuse of leadership for what it is, a horrific display of egomania that could wrench a country into war with his rhetoric. It’s a mentality that perpetuates war, (us first, USA first, me first).

In terms of the laws of nature in which every creature is interdependent and part of a larger network of systems, this errant behavior of me first, is an assault to the natural world and aberrant to nature itself. Our industries and dominant story: perpetual production, geared towards continuous profit, while never considering the impacts on everyone and the stress to all other life systems, has become the perfect breeding ground for a virus to appear to nudge the ‘me first club’ into a far larger perspective on the assault that all the rest of the planet has been taking from man’s short-sighted greed and contempt, rather than praise and care, for the natural world which we’ve been casually and thoughtlessly contaminating and destroying, with the aberrant vision of valuing things through the profit we can make from them, rather than seeing worth in life itself.

It’s the right climate to breed a contemptuous virus,

This mentality must be wiped from the planet.

Carol Keiter’s author website | A Seahorse Tale – A Spin on the Matter of Motion

Seahorse, spiraling, drawing, creativity, dreams, em field, electromagnetism, young adult, educational ebook, A Seahorse Tale, A Spin on the Matter of Motion

A Seahorse Tale – A Spin on the Matter of Motion

Seahorse, spiraling, drawing, creativity, dreams, em field, electromagnetism, young adult, educational ebook, A Seahorse Tale, A Spin on the Matter of Motion

“A Seahorse Tale – A Spin on the Matter of Motion” is a young adult educational eBook.

Seahorse, spiraling, drawing, creativity, dreams, em field, electromagnetism, young adult, educational ebook, A Seahorse Tale, A Spin on the Matter of Motion

“A Seahorse Tale – A Spin on the Matter of Motion” is a young adult educational eBook.

Predominantly a physics textbook within a science fantasy tale; it depicts the spiraling nature of our universe in general and electromagnetism, in particular

Seahorse, spiraling, drawing, creativity, dreams, em field, electromagnetism, young adult textbook, educational ebook, A Seahorse Tale - A Spin on the Matter of Motion

“A Seahorse Tale – A Spin on the Matter of Motion” is a young adult educational eBook. Predominantly a physics textbook within a science fantasy tale; it depicts the spiraling nature of our universe in general and electromagnetism, in particular.

Updated 2021 Version of the (TOC) Table of Contents of Carol Keiter’s Young Adult educational ebook, A Seahorse Tale – A Spin on the Matter of Motion



amazing discovery and picture I took on the Amtrak train a month ago across the continental divide.
PayPal Donate Button
Carol Keiter aka nomadbeatz welcomes donations for her writing, photography, illustrations, eBook and music composition
The PayPal donation button functions in Safari and Firefox, however is broken in Chrome.
my bicycle

Our Living Planet Needs Us All to Be Part of the Solution | App that compels and empowers people globally to contribute to a worldwide watchdog network

7 News Australia World Wildlife Fund estimates 1.25B animals have perished in Australia fires due to human destructive practices leading to ecocide and global warming.

All people can be part of the solution in a worldwide watchdog network. Yes to good practices towards sustainability and ecological health. No to any proposals for production that is part of the status quo, contributing to the suffocation or destruction of any natural system that doesn’t take into consideration the entirety of the natural world.

Our Living Planet Needs Us to Say No EVERYWHERE to ANY War, Oil Drilling Activity, Fracking, new Highway production, Clearing of Forests for crops, coal or any energy other than sustainable, no to mining (emphasizing recycling) no to Big Ag or Big Meat production, No to plastic production, No to the Capitalism machine of endless production with the sole aim to increase the GDP, with no consideration for the mass extinction and spoiling and destruction of the natural systems on our planet. It is time to take a stance, and through your actions, be part of the solution.

Note an App idea:

Any city, state or federal government that allows, gives the go ahead, to any new production that isn’t aimed towards ecological sustainability, should be targeted and stopped by an international community of watchdogs. In other words, someone should create an app so that anyone, anywhere in the world can do a thumbs up for who is funding or subsidizing beneficial ecological practices according to what the site (community of scientists and specialists and elders) agree upon as ‘best practices’
And a thumbs down, listing of any projects that are obviously continuing the status quo, contributing to the suffocation or destruction of any natural system that doesn’t take into consideration the entirety of the natural world. Any information that anyone knows – local or covering a broader region – can be posted, investigated and tracked on this global site. All people can actively participate. The app needs to be something that makes people proud and empowered, and also compels them to be involved.

Bedlam US Prisons as Mental Asylums | Car Free Cities | Let’s Build Bridges, Not Walls

I was in tears as I listened to this.

Seeing images of people from the 1930’s through to the present of wasted bodies, limp and diminished spirits, people emotionally wasted, like zoo animals surrounded by concrete. I was moved to hear the producer talk of the difficulty of putting this out to the public, because of the ‘shame’ he and his family and many other families felt because of the tarnished interpretation of emotional, mental health disorders. 

What this discloses is that many, many of the homeless people in the streets of the USA and in the prison system, are there because of their own mental health issues. and that in fact when dumped into this environment in which there are no programs to rehabilitate and create a nurturing environment towards their improvement, they are instead institutionalized.

Thing is, there are some who declare that institutions are the problem, and that all people should have the ‘right’ to not go into an institution. However, as I discovered when I saw a double amputee – probably Vietnam Veteran – fall from his wheel chair in San Francisco, which was already on the rise to being one of the most expensive cities in the country, with a huge abscess the size of a basketball in his back. I had been bicycling by on Market street, and saw this aghast, wondering how this could possibly happen right next to so much wealth. One person informed me that the Reagan era ‘reformed’ things in a way as to declare that people have the right to ‘freedom’. Yet what if they really don’t have the faculties to make the best decisions for themselves? It provoked me to write an article Cultural Abscess. However because recently my computer ceased, I temporarily don’t have access to the HD. 

Many people could be rejuvenated or at least have a much better quality of life and feeling, if they were living in a caring environment among kind people, and not criminalized because of their decision impairment. I feel that this is a very important documentary to expose these truths and re align our values. Just as climate and war refugees whose lives are fragmented and who must flee their homeland, should be fully embraced and helped, since the northern hemisphere wealthy western countries who have been living phat and comfortable lives as our consumption of energy for our material comforts and energy and transportation needs, have been literally wiping out habitats, killing species of birds, insects and animals at an alarming rate – as much due to habitat loss as global warming. The citizens of the world must be informed of how their habits have affected wildlife and the natural world internationally, and come together to work together in an unprecedented manner, and do everything that we can to help the stream of refugees which will be increasing dramatically as they lose their homes.

I bring these topics together, because I believe that many physical and emotional illnesses are contextual. I believe that if people have a comfort and security and models of kindness and caring around them, they will develop habits that improve their own health and attitude, which will naturally ripple to extending their caring and kindness to others.

Health, car free, health care, kindness, caring, build bridges not walls, empathy, caring, quality of life, emotional and physical health contextual

Health, car free, health care, kindness, caring, build bridges not walls, empathy, caring, quality of life, emotional and physical health contextual


Already there are dozens of cities around the world where there are no cars. Regardless of the terrain and topography, any environment or city could be dramatically improved and beautified by clearing out the cars and planting more trees and gardens.

Dozens more major European cities who have designated ‘no car days’; establishing the city center as pedestrian only.

My sister who is presently in Nice, informed me that the city extended their tram system which was already quite extensive, with a multitude of inexpensive public transportation options, has now eliminated benching buses. We could be subsidizing train and clean energy and public transportation to lure people out of their cars and create jobs to massively produce clean sustainable energy and transportation. It could become hip and fun to take the train, as well as affordable. If people could own and be part of the transition into clean energy, improving the quality of the air and water and life, they could circulate the money back into the community and feel directly involved in maintaining this as a right, as well as protecting public lands and waterways and natural habitats. Train and safe infrastructure for pedestrian and bicycle transportation could increasingly transform public spaces into beautiful ones that draw people to congregate and interact in public places with one another. The community of people could at the same time choose to design with thoughtfulness about other creatures: insects, pollinators, birds and mammals, to live with them and allow them to live. 

What would you choose? A job with excellent pay (such as new highway, new bank or box store, nuclear power plant, fracking, oil drilling or pipeline or massive agricultural spread…) that will destroy a beautiful place and wildlife habitat, 

just to get that promise of good pay?

Pretending somehow that the money is the essential thing, the GDP and one’s paycheck more important than anything else? 

Indigenous native Americans historically thought hard before making any decisions about how it may impact the NEXT SEVEN (7) GENERATIONS.

Or will you recognize that more destruction and dismantling and razing of nature, or purchase that involves destroying nature on the other side of the globe, is your responsibility, and see that there is and can be a completely different approach to what is considered progress, that values nature above everything, and will utilize your best effort and skills and allow you to do what you love and work together with others in revitalizing nature and empowering you and your sense of community at the same time? 

These are choices we all need to make. Yet it’s very difficult if people are completely blinded by the incentive to make another buck.

We can choose to educate ourselves, listen to scientists and knowledgeable people who know that there is a better way, and as we talk with one another and support one another in our awareness, we can make these changes. 

It is our choice. Helping to support all life and empowering other life with respect and love, while empowering one’s own spirit with the joy of empathy, or somehow only considering oneself and one’s immediate family, and not giving a fuck about anyone or any creature outside of your own immediate walls. 

Let’s build bridges, not walls, in every respect.

Autumn Leaves | Half-Earth Project | Silent Spring | Circular Economy | RJ Rummel – Democide

We need to set aside nature, specifically areas which are populated with biodiversity and focus on repairing the slices and ruptures within habitats presently, to repair and regenerate them.

Woonasquatucket River Greenway, Providence, Rhode Island, USA, northeast North America, autumn, seasons

Woonasquatucket River Greenway

Captivating autumn colors, primarily captured along the Woonasquatucket River Greenway.

Providence, Rhode Island, autumn leaves, four seasons

Providence, Rhode Island, autumn leaves, four seasons













I’ve written about EO Wilson’s Half-Earth project in both blogs, which can take place through the contribution of everyone around the world, yet which Yale University students are helping to research and catalogue.

EO Wilson. Half-Earth Project, protecting land and sea, wildlife systems

EO Wilson’s Half-Earth Project protecting half the land and sea for wildlife systems

Joel Sartore creator, the Photo Ark, document all creatures before they become extinct

Joel Sartore creator of the Photo Ark to document all creatures before they become extinct

This Is What Extinction Sounds Like
Bernie Krause has spent a lifetime recording the sounds of nature. It’s getting quieter every day.
Bernie Krause Interview

extinction sound silence, Bernie Krause, huffpost

what extinction sounds like Bernie Krause huffpost


That’s because the beauty of the earth and preservation of habitats of all of its creatures is true wealth, whose value needs to be incorporated into human culture and economy on all levels.




World Economic Forum talks about a circular economy

circular economy, weforum, World Economic Forum

circular economy, weforum, World Economic Forum


“The emphasis is on restoring and regenerating human communities together with restoring and preserving ecosystems; the emphasis on diversity and living systems.We’ll share an economy that is restorative and regenerative, that preserves ecosystems and increases their return over time, that creates prosperity, and that fuels growth by capturing more value from existing infrastructure and products.”

We can focus on what all human populations can do through intentionally restructuring the economy from a hierarchical to a circular one, which focuses on human, earthling and environmental justice.

Deceased prolific writer Rudolph Joseph Rummel who wrote Death by Government was a professor of political science who taught at the Indiana University, Yale University and University of Hawaii. He spent his career studying data on collective violence and war with a view toward helping their resolution or elimination. His research reveals that Democide – megamurders by governments – typically occurs when a leader develops too much unchecked power. ““The more constrained the power of governments, the more power is diffused, checked, and balanced, the less it will aggress on others and commit democide. At the extremes of power, totalitarian communist governments slaughter their people by the tens of millions.”

The problem is Power. The solution is democracy.

Living with Less is Living with More: Co-creating a New Story – Our Relationships

I was going to tack this video within the post c-change conversations with respect to the spiritual relationship we need to co-create, with ourselves, between one another and with the water, the sky, soil, a spider, a bird or rhinoceros. Yet his words and viewpoint needs to stand on its own.

Leo Murray, new story, TEDx beautiful world, climate change, global warming, corruption, relationship, co-creating, stories of the world, environment, the living world, nature

Living with Less is LIving with More Co-Creating a New Story A New Relationship with Earth and her Creatures


Living with Less is Living with More: Co-Creating a New Story A New Relationship with Earth and her Creatures
Our hearts and intuition contain the answer to co-creating this new story. A story in which we are not clumsily or hurriedly passing through, busying ourselves and not-wasting-any-time in our stress-filled harried lives.

“Can you imagine a more beautiful world your hearts knows is possible?

We have inherited a culture without any critical inquiry.”


Leo Murray talks of the need to decouple the relationship between standards of living and quality of life.

Authors, visionaries and thought leaders who are inspiration to less is more: Charles Eisenstein, Daniel Pinchbeck, Niki Harré, Yuval Noah Harari, David Holmgren, Masanobu Fukuoka, Bill Mollison.


Charles Eisenstein, Daniel Pinchbeck, Niki Harré, Yuval Noah Harari, David Holmgren, Masanobu Fukuoka, Bill Mollison, authors visionaries and thought leaders inspiration less is more

authors visionaries and thought leaders inspiration less is more

Here is information some of these visionaries have communicated.

Masanobu Fukuoka states that man does best by doing as little as possible. He unlearned culture and science and realizes that nature does everything.

Masanobu Fukuoka unlearned, and realizes that nature does everything. Man does best by doing as little as possible.

Masanobu Fukuoka Talks About the One Straw Revolution

Charles Eisenstein's speech New Zealand

Charles Eisenstein’s speech New Zealand



















Niki Harré talks about her book “Psychology for a Better World

Niki Harré talk about her book "Psychology for a Better World"

Niki Harré talk about her book “Psychology for a Better World”




Niki Harré talks in this video about the Psychology and the Infinite Game In it she describes the distinction between the Finite and Infinite Games.


The purpose of the infinite game is to continue the game.

The purpose of the finite game is to win.

The infinite game invites others in and is full of creativity, the rules continually change and all are flexible in their interactions.

The finite game includes only select people, it is all about replication and does not bend. In life, the finite game winnings are such as getting a trophy, owning property, getting a degree, a promotion, publishing an article, get funded for a program.

She talks of the amazing power of symbol and metaphor. And that in order to keep the infinite game in play, we need to trust people and promote creativity. It’s up to all of us to bring this awareness into our workplace, schools and communities.

Yuval Harari, Sapiens, History of Humankind

Yuval Harari Sapiens A Brief History of Humankind – 5 year anniversary

A Brief History of Humankind, Yuval Noah Harari

A Brief History of Humankind Yuval Noah Harari


Carol Keiter aka nomadbeatz welcomes donations for her writing, photography, illustrations, eBook & music composition

The PayPal donation button functions in Safari and Firefox, however is broken in Chrome.

PayPal Donate Button

Carol Keiter the blogger and Greg Altman in New York City after the Global Climate Strike Sept. 20, 2019

carol_keiter_greg_altman copy


Global Climate Strike Sept. 20, 2019 – nYc | If the Climate was a Bank, It would be Saved

It is over a week since I hitchhiked (l’auto stop, trempen) to New York City from Providence, Rhode Island. I intended to participate in the Global Climate Strike.

global climate strike

global climate strike 20-27 September 2019

global climate strike nyc sept. 20 2019


if climate was a bank, it would have been saved.

if climate was a bank, it would have been saved.


climate strike new york city september 20, 2019

climate strike new york city september 20, 2019






What I learned after fortunately being introduced to a pop-up space ‘Climate Action By The People’ Presented by If Not Us Then Who and the Hip Hop Caucus

Was that indeed, a lot of the climate problems’ source are economically motivated.







I am still floored, shocked and baffled that this information is not completely open and taught in classrooms. But a regime doesn’t openly reveal what keeps its constituents enslaved. It’s a fabulously written article by Mathew Desmond for the New York magazine on Aug 14 2019, with a thorough coverage of the history of capitalism, in the cotton fields. In order To Understand the Brutality of American Capitalism, you have to start at the Plantation.


In order To Understand the Brutality of American Capitalism, you have to start at the Plantation, Mathew Desmond Aug 14 2019

New Yorker magazine article In order To Understand the Brutality of American Capitalism, you have to start at the Plantation,
Mathew Desmond Aug 14 2019


“American slavery is necessarily imprinted on the DNA of American capitalism,” write the historians Sven Beckert and Seth Rockman…

But cotton needed land. A field could only tolerate a few straight years of the crop before its soil became depleted.The United States solved its land shortage by expropriating millions of acres from Native Americans, often with military force, acquiring Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee and Florida…

Today modern technology
has facilitated unremitting workplace supervision, particularly in the service sector. Companies have developed software that records workers’ keystrokes and mouse clicks, along with randomly capturing screenshots multiple times a day.” 


It makes the pleas by both American democrat presidential candidates Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren inescapably relevant, reparations for African Americans for slavery and discrimination, i.e. our industrial prison system as well as reparations for Native Americans whose land was stolen and who were slaughtered, in order to barter and profit from their land. My sister reminded me today in conversation that the British were lords of the slave trade at the time.

Bill McKibben, co founder of, wishing to limit the carbon in the atmosphere to 350 (ppm) parts per million, before it recently tipped to 415ppm recently contributed this article to the New Yorker

Money Is the Oxygen on Which the Fire of Global Warming Burns What if the banking, asset-management, and insurance industries moved away from fossil fuels? By Bill McKibbenSeptember 17, 2019

What if the banking, asset-management, and insurance industries moved away from fossil fuels? By Bill McKibben, September 17, 2019


Amazon Watch Complicity in Destruction, Corporate enterprises and banks invest in the destruction of the rain forest for profit

Amazon Watch Complicity in Destruction

Banking on Climate Change RAN rainforest action network,

Banking on Climate Change RAN rainforest action network

















The biggest contributors to the burning of the various rainforests of the world are companies like Cargill in the USA, and banks who invest in them like Chase and asset management companies that trade in this demise, like Black Rock

Each have their tentacles in the destruction of the rain forests and other pristine places of the globe, to Big Ag, Big Oil and Big Lies. Tear up your Chase cards and invest ecologically and wisely. Inform yourselves.


Greta Thunberg lead kids and adults from hundreds of countries on this global climate strike on Friday September 20th, 2019. Greta’s words in Battery Park to the 250,000 climate striker’s among others, was that ‘diplomats want to take selfie’s with you and congratulate you on your actions, yet don’t take any action themselves’.


25 years before Greta was Severn whom we ignoredGoldman Sachs released a 34-page analysis of the impact of climate change. And the results are terrifying.Yusuf Khan

Goldman Sachs report impact of climate change,







I just spoke for about a quarter of an hour with a French couple from Biarritz, who agree that though the youth are much more aware and mobilized, many people prefer to not even talk about the climate, as if they can’t wrap their heads around it, and are super reluctant to think beyond their immediate time and place. That’s where we need leaders to establish that we need to be caring for the planet, now.

Humpty Dumpty says to the earth, they aren't going to know how to put you together again.

Humpty Dumpty says to the earth, they aren’t going to know how to put you together again.


We are not alone on the planet, it is up to us to be guardians of life.

We are not alone on the planet, it is up to us to be guardians of life.




























The beginning of the march was designated as Foley Square in lower manhattan at noon. I had 12 hours until it would start. I used the opportunity after arriving with only 2 rides in Flushing, Queens, with plenty of time to spare. I decided to walk the 16 + miles through Queens, known to have one of the densest concentrations of languages in one not so large geographical area. I could take the train at any point, but in fact walked from little Chinatown in Flushing, through a labyrinth of street taco stands of various Latino ethnic groups, then East Indian and middle Eastern, before more Spanish speaking cultures.

hitchhike, 9.19.19, nYc 181 mi, global climate march, UN Climate Summit

hitch 9.19.19 to nYc 181 miles global climate march, UN Climate Summit

Four days later I returned to Providence, Rhode Island via taking the regional train from Manhattan to Babylon, Long Island. I wanted to check out a bit of this borough before taking the ferry back to Connecticut. I intended to swim in East Hampton, however the ocean was so tumultuous that I didn’t feel comfortable, despite being a strong swimmer. Other locals whom I spoke with felt the same way. This day was a quite tempestuous body of water. The hitch is a pleasant story in itself, in which I got quite quick rides with interesting people, two of them were women. All were aware of the climate strike.

hitchhike, Long Island, NY, Orient Point Ferry

hitchhike, Long Island, NY, Orient Point Ferry


Babylon, Long Island, NYC

aiming for East Hampton

Decided to check out Long Island and go to the mainland in Connecticut from the ferry at Orient Point.

I had never been to Long Island, so I used regional train transport to bring me a third of the way to the Eastern end, the Hamptons. East Hampton, with multimillion dollar homes, wide white sandy beaches. It’s extraordinarily hard to believe that this is also a New York borough.

carol Keiter, greg altman, september 20 climate strike new york city

carol Keiter, greg altman, september 20 climate strike new york city

Humanity Needs 16 year old Greta Thunberg to Shake it Awake

good evening America, morning to Europe, afternoon to Australia. Re posting this article written by an Australian. 

Hopefully as people read this, they may be instigated to finally act, which would cause his title to shift dramatically towards success. 

…and since the US, Brazilian, Australian…governments are ignoring reality in favor of the business-as-usual paradigm of profit over, e v e r y t h i n g    a n d    e v e r y o n e    e l s e, there is no more clear reason to drop everything, strike for the climate globally, Friday, and continue striking. if only all the truckers, police, military, agriculture and gas industries… would somehow grasp this picture, listen and decide to work together. maybe Greta Thunberg will have a huge impact on world leaders at the climate summit. But what she realizes, is that leaders, as long as they only see through the veil of economic profits, will continue to DO NOTHING. Therefore    i t    i s   u p    t o    t h e    p e o p l e  to wake up and take action, for however long it takes, to demand and follow change.  Greta knows this, she came all the way over here to the US and then to Chili for climate talks with global leaders, but MORE IMPORTANTLY, TO RALLY THE PEOPLE TO GET THE FUCK OUT IN THE STREETS AND WAKE UP.

Tim Flannery, Aussie climate Activist, human induced global warming, climate change, rising CO2, environmental activism, wake up, take action, participate, do something, mass extinction, change the course

Tim Flannery Aussie Activist

Greta Thunberg explaining to the grownups on a psychological treadmill.

Greta Thunberg explaining to the grownups on a psychological treadmill

Greta Thunberg explaining to the grownups on a psychological treadmill









                                                                         Why? Why not? Wake up! What could be more important?

greta_thunberg, global climate strike, climate strike Sept 20-27

global climate strike with Greta Thunberg, Sept 20-27


Greta Thunberg, climate strike, 150 countries, massive Friday climate strike, international protest, UN Climate Action Summit

Greta Thunberg, climate strike, 150 countries, massive Friday climate strike, international protest, UN Climate Action Summit



We’re F**ked | Sept. 20 Global Climate Strike | UN Climate Summit Sept. 21st-23rd nYc

A short and sweet version of what’s been happening over the last decades of inaction.

We are fucked Global Climate Strike Sept 20 2019_presenter

We are fucked Global Climate Strike Sept 20 2019_presenter

Global Climate Strike 20-27 Sept

Global Climate Strike 20-27 Sept


Greta Thunberg, the Swedish girl who strikes school for climate awareness and responsibility of governments to TELL THE TRUTH, just sailed across the Atlantic to attend the UN Climate Action Summit, to be present for the Global Climate Strike September 20th to 27th and to attend another Climate Action Summit in South America.

She crossed the ocean in a non-emission, solar powered sail boat.

Greta Thunberg arrives to New York city on solar-powered, emission free sail boat across Atlantic

Greta Thunberg arrives to New York city on solar-powered, emission free sail boat across Atlantic

“We Are Striking to Disrupt the System”: An Hour hour interview with 16-Year-Old Climate Activist Greta Thunberg

“We Are Striking to Disrupt the System”: An Hour hour interview with 16-Year-Old Climate Activist Greta Thunberg

United Nations greeted Greta Thunbergs arrival in NY with 17 boats sustainability goals

United Nations greeted Greta Thunberg’s arrival in NY with 17 boats – sustainability goals

UN Climate Action Summit Sept. 2019

UN Climate Action Summit Sept. 2019

It’s up to us to read, have conversations with one another and to recognize that government leaders in a democracy, need to be lead by the people. If the people do not elect leaders who are accountable to the health of the earth and all of its creatures, then jobs and profits for the 1%, account for nothing. Humans learn habits, and they can learn to break them.


Recently,  article after article from independent real media who do tell the truth, talk about how the corrupt right-wing leaders such as Trump, Bolsonaro and other continue to allow industries to spoil the planet and manufacture weapons, while the earth, all its creatures and 99% of the global human population suffer the consequences.

global climate strike sept 20-27 worldwide rebellion oct 7-18

global climate strike sept 20-27 worldwide rebellion oct 7-18

DoTheMath Gobal Climate Crisis Kumi Naidoo, Greenpeace

DoTheMath Gobal Climate Crisis Kumi Naidoo Greenpeace website

Carol Keiter aka nomadbeatz welcomes donations for her writing, photography, illustrations, eBook & music composition

The PayPal donation button functions in Safari and Firefox, however is broken in Chrome.

PayPal Donate Button

Carol Keiter New York city

Carol Keiter New York city