Zero carbon output Bicycling |  Only 1 Earth | World Environment Day

Today is World Environment Day.

So, now once in a while, while riding or stopped at an intersection with a lot of cars, I throw up my arm with full display of the zero sign.

Either like this.

Or like this.



Because as I ride a bicycle and routinely look at road kill and feel the heat of engines and have to time my inhales to not breath fumes.

I say Zero!

I really am such a brat, as in expressing exactly what I feel.

The lyrics are not yet completed yet, but here it is so far; guess the idea evolved when I glanced at gas prices at a gas station.

Zero money

Zero gasoline

Zero carbon output

Zero fossil fuel use

Zero smell of exhaust 

Zero sound ….. just quiet

Zero pressure of time (can only go so fast) 

Zero body fat 

What’s more than Zero are the places I go in nature with only wildlife around and the muscle made in the process of locomotion and the joy i feel in riding.

What’s less than Zero is the heat and foul air I have to breathe when I go by an idling car or a vehicle flying by, and the chance of being hit by a car if I’m not fully anticipating people not paying attention (a third looking down at their cell phones while driving).

We have only one planet Earth

Only 1 Earth
Only 1 Earth
Only One