Soil not Oil in our Climate Crisis | Al Jazeera – Big Oil Campaign Against Climate | Monbiot on Brexit Capitalism’s Civil War | Kiss the Ground | Happy Earth Day April 22

Vandana Shiva wrote the book “Soil Not OilEnvironmental Justice in an Age of Climate Crisis”. In it she argues that the solution to this global crisis lies in sustainable, biologically diverse farms. She mentions in her speech terra viva manifesto Italiano.

Vandana Shiva is so incredibly eloquent and thorough in describing the world we live in as Keynote Speaker in the Soil Not Oil International Conference.

Russell Brand’s current interview with Vandana Shiva is inspiring.

I just recently viewed on Al Jazeera the documentary “The Campaign Against the Climate: Debunking climate change denial.

It exposes oil industry leaders and their multi-million-dollar, 30-year denial campaigns that have undermined science and cast doubt on the dangers of climate change.

The documentary by Josh Tickel Kiss the Ground reasserts the need to concentrate on he soil.. 

Within this two part interview which George Monbiot on Brexit: Capitalism’s Civil War

presents that we need to systematically and structurally change our relationship within our cultures, between one another and with the other creatures with whom we share the planet. “We need to make the priority to sustain life on earth”.

Giornata Mondiale della Terra 2021

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