Humanity Needs 16 year old Greta Thunberg to Shake it Awake

good evening America, morning to Europe, afternoon to Australia. Re posting this article written by an Australian. 

Hopefully as people read this, they may be instigated to finally act, which would cause his title to shift dramatically towards success. 

…and since the US, Brazilian, Australian…governments are ignoring reality in favor of the business-as-usual paradigm of profit over, e v e r y t h i n g    a n d    e v e r y o n e    e l s e, there is no more clear reason to drop everything, strike for the climate globally, Friday, and continue striking. if only all the truckers, police, military, agriculture and gas industries… would somehow grasp this picture, listen and decide to work together. maybe Greta Thunberg will have a huge impact on world leaders at the climate summit. But what she realizes, is that leaders, as long as they only see through the veil of economic profits, will continue to DO NOTHING. Therefore    i t    i s   u p    t o    t h e    p e o p l e  to wake up and take action, for however long it takes, to demand and follow change.  Greta knows this, she came all the way over here to the US and then to Chili for climate talks with global leaders, but MORE IMPORTANTLY, TO RALLY THE PEOPLE TO GET THE FUCK OUT IN THE STREETS AND WAKE UP.

Tim Flannery, Aussie climate Activist, human induced global warming, climate change, rising CO2, environmental activism, wake up, take action, participate, do something, mass extinction, change the course

Tim Flannery Aussie Activist

Greta Thunberg explaining to the grownups on a psychological treadmill.

Greta Thunberg explaining to the grownups on a psychological treadmill

Greta Thunberg explaining to the grownups on a psychological treadmill









                                                                         Why? Why not? Wake up! What could be more important?

greta_thunberg, global climate strike, climate strike Sept 20-27

global climate strike with Greta Thunberg, Sept 20-27


Greta Thunberg, climate strike, 150 countries, massive Friday climate strike, international protest, UN Climate Action Summit

Greta Thunberg, climate strike, 150 countries, massive Friday climate strike, international protest, UN Climate Action Summit



What Will You Do? | The Greatest Story of Our Generation | DoSomething | TimeForChange

 "The Greatest Story of Our Generation"

image from “The Greatest Story of Our Generation”

I had viewed a two minute video “The Essence of Life“, a trailer of the Film “Beyond“, posted on Cryptik about a week ago. Something compelled me to hold onto it. I only really investigated the Cryptik site yesterday, perusing its postings.

Their prominent quote by Albert Einstein let me know why I had synchronistically kept this on file.

“The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed.” -Albert Einstein

It was yesterday, 11/10/2014, that I discovered this movie – the subject of this blog. “The Greatest Story of Our Generation“. I believe that this information is essential to understand; that it should be mandatory viewing! I challenge myself and everyone; to listen, watch and respond with action. It resonates so completely with my heart, intellect and spirit and embraces so much of the content that I have been writing about, that I had tears rolling down my face as I listened to it.

The Greatest Story of Our Generation” put out by “Films for Action”: A Learning Library for People Who Want to Change the World – is written by Andrew Dickson, directed by Louie Schwartzberg and produced by Lyn Davis Lear.

Narrated by Morgan Freeman (the sought after voice these days whose affect is one which invokes trust and respect) “The Greatest Story of Our Generation” is the story of the human journey at this critical moment in time. Of all the stories to belong to, this is the story to be a part of. Don’t watch it from the sidelines. Don’t wait for the experts to figure it out. Ask yourself: how can I become one of the weavers of the story? It’s a tapestry with 7 billion threads. What contribution do I want to make? If you’re not yet contributing to this story in some way, ask yourself why not? This is a story for everyone. See the video here.

Amazon Rain Forest 1975 2008 via Satellite

Amazon Rain Forest 1975 2008 via Satellite

In fact, the earth is not in danger, we are. Changing our actions and moving forward is the one thing that can prevent our extinction. Destroying our rainforests and evaporating our lakes is like dissecting a lung; depriving our bodies – our earth – of oxygen.

Our best chance for survival comes from continuing to imitate nature, drawing inspiration from its awesome power.

Consider mycelium, a mass of filaments beneath the soil that allow the natural world to distribute nutrients and information to be communicated without a central brain.

mycelium filaments from mushrooms

mycelium filaments from mushrooms






mycelium decentralized network of communicaiton

mycelium decentralized network of communicaiton






It is similar to how the internet functions. People around the world can communicate information with each other without it being transmitted hierarchically – top-down – from a centralized source.

internet network world wide web of communication

internet network world wide web of communication

I wrote about mycelium and how mushrooms can be a solution for the environment and economy in this former blog.

The message of “The Greatest Story of Our Generation” is that we have already contributed many designs from what we have observed in nature…It is still possible to redirect and save the world from ourselves. What is needed is a concerted effort.”

what is needed is a concerted effort

what is needed is a concerted effort

This isn’t a challenge that a few countries or world leaders can fix on their own, it is going to take ALL OF US – through actions large and small.

One day we will be asked, “What did we do?” We have never faced a crisis this big. This is our only home. You can choose today to make a world of difference.

What will you do?

faces from around the world up close

faces from around the world up close





faces from around the world further away

faces from around the world further away









Become one of the weavers of this story.

Become one of the weavers of this story.


footage donated by the following

footage donated by the following is one of the largest orgs for people to participate in social change.  Here are 11 facts about animal poaching, with information on what you can do to take action and volunteer with millions of members to in their words, “make the world suck less”.

Do Something, 11 facts Poaching

Do Something – 11 facts about Animal Poaching

Here’s a link to explore the various campaigns that are existing today that you can join in.






DoSomething Justice for Elephants Signup

DoSomething Justice for Elephants Signup



For information about your own carbon footprint is all about personal growth and the meaning of life…not financially based goals or making purchases. As they say:

«Time for change» is about your life, your objectives and your decisions. We are convinced that basic human needs are the same everywhere and finally we all strive for the same thing:

•We want to be happy and satisfied • we want to be able to live our lives• without worries and cares.

If you don’t feel that you are there – this might just be the right time for change!

Because I am personally a HUGE animal advocate who appreciates all of life, I have included these links below, alerting people to various animals in danger due to poaching – because of ignorance and misconstrued ideas.

"Gorillas in the Crossfire" Virunga National Park - Democratic Republic of Congo

“Gorillas in the Crossfire” Virunga National Park – Democratic Republic of Congo

Andre Bauma works with orphaned gorillas in the Democratic Republic of Congo, which has been in conflict since 1996. More than 140 park rangers have been killed protecting gorillas in the past 15 years.

You can view National Geographic Society’s 2013 Annual Report of what has been accomplished through their efforts.

Tinka Plese is a Croatian woman who has been rescuing sloths for almost twenty years. She started this Sloth Sanctuary in Columbia, South America.

three-toed baby sloth at Columbian Sloth Sanctuary

three-toed baby sloth at Columbian Sloth Sanctuary

La Ceiba Reserva Natural  - Centro de Rescate Jaguar, La Ceiba Nature Reserve, Jaguar Rescue Center

La Ceiba Reserva Natural – Centro de Rescate Jaguar, La Ceiba Nature Reserve, Jaguar Rescue Center

Why does this matter? Because we don’t inhabit this planet alone.