October 22nd is Half-Earth Day – EO Wilson

The biologist E O Wilson, upon seeing the mass extinction taking place on the Earth due to human spoilage and encroachment on habitats, decided to implement Half-Earth > to set aside half of the earth and water in the most biodiverse regions, to ensure the survival, rather than extinction of species. 

It will take all of us, because Climate Catastrophe i.e. Global Warming and the 6th Mass Extinction can be slowed down, if we all stand up and do something to contribute our energy, intention and make the effort to change habits and recognize the part that we play (either contributing to destruction (through continued development and construction) or acting as protectors and being kind and respectful to all other species, rather than being human centric and negligent to all other life on the planet.  


Paul Simon re EO Wilson’s Half-Earth  |  Paradise Guardian or Destroyer? Our Choice

“Esteemed naturalist and biologist E.O. Wilson and co-founder of the Half-Earth Project appeared at the 2021 Global Live Concert at Central Park, NY as the guest of legendary singer-songwriter Paul Simon

Simon, who is also a Member of the Board of Directors of the E.O. Wilson Biodiversity Foundation, also performed at the Global Live Concert, a 24-hour live event broadcast across six continents, features activists and internationally recognized musicians in a global event to unite the world, defend the planet and defeat poverty.”

Yes, we actually live in a potential paradise, but our heads are submerged in an oil slick; worshipping the military industrialized, oil-driven processes that dominate our natural world. Running the machinery of BIG agriculture, fishing, animal livestock, combustion engines, lawn mowers, blowers…all lubricate our idolatry of objectifying and wishing to dominate everything. Banks and Big business love our mass consumerism. We are completely disconnected from one another and from the natural world. In the meantime, we compete and compare and continue to manufacture and build with full negligence – disinterest about what we’re destroying and the species that we’re wiping off the face of the planet – in our anthropocentric process for our own convenience.

We could stop being wage-slaves and servants to an economy run by a government bribed and beholden to lobbyists of the Oiligarchy, Big Pharma, Insurance, Defense…We could stop deluding ourselves that anything is going to change, as long as the GDP eclipses the value of life – regardless of its cost to the lives of other living creatures. Presently, the Democrats are already fumbling on their promises. Follow the money.

We could start caring and sharing information and working together in our communities to conserve and own our own resources in shared commons. We could act together, to change our destructive patterns and engage with each other and the natural world, rather than incessantly trying to control and wipe out nature in oblivious distraction. We can instead focus on being guardians and protectors of our planet and wild places. 

Guarding Half-Earth (half of the most biodiverse regions of the earth and seas) to ensure the survival of species who are increasingly threatened, will only happen when all of us get involved. We are of the earth. We need to value it for what it is, alive, respect it and take actions together through love and appreciation for the wonders of the world and each living species. 

The only way. is to step away from the Me First, My Country First, My Town First, My Team First, White People First mentality; when we genuinely let these Barriers and Walls fall.  We can create a culture rich in spirituality and meaning through being our best selves and having full care, to insure that all people exist together in harmony together with all other life forms. We can extend our own individual power and hearts, as we extend ourselves beyond our own immediate families and our front doors. 

I believe that the patriotic cries of ‘America First’ are a demonstration of complete insanity, and the religious right are the most beguiled (as the concept is irreverently non-Christian). Just as well if they reject vaccines and their population numbers decline. The misguided, who value Dumph and think he is a savior on the working man’s side, are fully deluded by the far-right narratives pumping out fear and hate-driven disinformation.

Robert Reich wrote on 8/31/21 to MoveOn Members:

“Erik Prince, a private military contractor (and Betsy DeVos’s brother), was just caught charging Afghans desperate to flee the Taliban $6,500 a seat for flights out of the country. White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki condemned his despicable actions, saying, “I don’t think any human being who has a heart and soul would support efforts to profit off of people’s agony and pain.” And she’s right. While the war in Afghanistan was a disastrous failure on many fronts, for weapons manufacturers and other warmongering corporations—many of which wield massive influence over U.S. foreign policy—it was an extraordinarily profitable success.”

Tom Dispatch: William Astore Military Strength is Our National Religion


Promises of ‘jobs’, and elevating the ‘economy’ to the primary purpose of life and its value, without any consideration of the affect on the natural world, is a hoax. How do you measure the worth of Paradise? This capitalism-based economy, with its requisite need to continually manufacture more and more and continually bent towards making quarterly profits, is not sustainable in a finite world. We are slaves to Big Business Robber Barons who have bought out our collective psyches, precisely what the Oiligarchy wants. We are fucked, unless some charismatic figure who is aware and genuinely heartful , appears, who can powerfully engage the populace and convince us emotionally, to begin together taking a new path. Global warming, mass extinction, mass violence, mass addiction and mass immigration, is not a hoax. Those profiting from our incognizance of what to prioritize in our short and unique time spent on this earth, don’t want you to be conscious of the fact that if we, the people, demonstrably act in unison to take back our lives and devote our time to resuscitating the Natural World, we will have a peaceful, loving, connected paradise of clean air, water, nutritious soil….once we’ve cut the source of the poisons out of the equation.

 Hafez (حافظ, Ḥāfeẓ, ‘the memorizer; the (safe) keeper’; 1315-1390) and as “Hafiz”, was a Persian poet whose collected works are regarded by many Iranians as a pinnacle of Persian literature

Carol Keiter aka nomadbeatz welcomes donations for her writing, photography, illustrations, eBook and music composition

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Give the gift of Half-Earth | EO Wilson

The dream of EO Wilson can only be realized through the participation of humans. He strives to protect the most biodiverse places on the earth and seas, to circumvent mass extinction – which is already taking place – by safeguarding the habitats of half of the earth.

See how you can become involved!

Be a guardian of the natural world. Our earth is paradise, if we nurture life and save habitats.

Autumn Leaves | Half-Earth Project | Silent Spring | Circular Economy | RJ Rummel – Democide

We need to set aside nature, specifically areas which are populated with biodiversity and focus on repairing the slices and ruptures within habitats presently, to repair and regenerate them.

Woonasquatucket River Greenway, Providence, Rhode Island, USA, northeast North America, autumn, seasons

Woonasquatucket River Greenway

Captivating autumn colors, primarily captured along the Woonasquatucket River Greenway.

Providence, Rhode Island, autumn leaves, four seasons

Providence, Rhode Island, autumn leaves, four seasons













I’ve written about EO Wilson’s Half-Earth project in both blogs, which can take place through the contribution of everyone around the world, yet which Yale University students are helping to research and catalogue.

EO Wilson. Half-Earth Project, protecting land and sea, wildlife systems

EO Wilson’s Half-Earth Project protecting half the land and sea for wildlife systems



Joel Sartore creator, the Photo Ark, document all creatures before they become extinct

Joel Sartore creator of the Photo Ark to document all creatures before they become extinct


This Is What Extinction Sounds Like
Bernie Krause has spent a lifetime recording the sounds of nature. It’s getting quieter every day.
Bernie Krause Interview

extinction sound silence, Bernie Krause, huffpost

what extinction sounds like Bernie Krause huffpost



That’s because the beauty of the earth and preservation of habitats of all of its creatures is true wealth, whose value needs to be incorporated into human culture and economy on all levels.




World Economic Forum talks about a circular economy

circular economy, weforum, World Economic Forum

circular economy, weforum, World Economic Forum


“The emphasis is on restoring and regenerating human communities together with restoring and preserving ecosystems; the emphasis on diversity and living systems.We’ll share an economy that is restorative and regenerative, that preserves ecosystems and increases their return over time, that creates prosperity, and that fuels growth by capturing more value from existing infrastructure and products.”

We can focus on what all human populations can do through intentionally restructuring the economy from a hierarchical to a circular one, which focuses on human, earthling and environmental justice.

Deceased prolific writer Rudolph Joseph Rummel who wrote Death by Government was a professor of political science who taught at the Indiana University, Yale University and University of Hawaii. He spent his career studying data on collective violence and war with a view toward helping their resolution or elimination. His research reveals that Democide – megamurders by governments – typically occurs when a leader develops too much unchecked power. ““The more constrained the power of governments, the more power is diffused, checked, and balanced, the less it will aggress on others and commit democide. At the extremes of power, totalitarian communist governments slaughter their people by the tens of millions.”

The problem is Power. The solution is democracy.