Move-On National Organizing | Hold Elected Officials Accountable | feat. Sen. Cory Booker and Alicia Garza

I spontaneously decided to sign up for a Move-On live #PowerInAction: Winning With Our People online national organizing livestream. Tuesday, at 8 p.m. ET (7 CT/6 MT/5 PT). I hadn’t realized what a treat was in store. I listened to most of the live Nov. 17th webcast of various speakers presented by articulate Move-On hosts. It was educational and enlightening. I’m super impressed with the messages of the hosts and all the guest speakers.

Lots of inspiration!

The emphasis is on all of us participating towards influencing those we elect; to improve the quality of everyone’s life. Motivating us all to get involved in manifesting the society that we want; influencing the changes we’d like to see through our collective actions and voices.  It is up to all of us to hold our elected officials accountable and democratically participate in seeking the changes that we know and can imagine, will improve the quality of everyone’s life.  Volunteer with Move-On.

One of the speakers, Senator Cory Booker, really impressed me with his insights and heartfelt sharing of his wisdom. His points were about maintaining faith that one’s actions will make changes, and that it is now (after the election results) imperative for us all be involved and engaged in maintaining our Democracy; continued action, tipping the scale of the Georgia election for the Senate so that Bitchy Mitchy McConnell doesn’t block all of the things that we voted for. He blocked everything that Obama attempted to install and was the Yes Man to Chump, to unravel so many protections and programs for people, the natural world and the protection of our commons. Booker mentioned how the book by James Baldwin “The Fire Next Time” impressed him. 

Alicia Garza, the founder of Black Lives Matter, spoke about holding elected officials accountable and working together to build progress. To better our quality of life and that of future generations: on education, health care, lowering housing costs, attending to our Police forces (I’d say mandatory education, social studies, psychological programs and non violence training) so that they are groomed into a force that is not a militia of violence but more leaning towards protecting and helping society). She spoke of the book she has written, not as a How-To book, but one to guide us to asking better questions.

The Purpose of Power: How We Come Together When We Fall Apart by Alicia Garza

Let’s help Stacy Abrams, who has achieved getting an enormous response from Black woman in Georgia and all over the country, to swing the vote to the Democrats. 

So, I signed up to make phone calls to people of Georgia, I guess with a script of what to say, and also the possibility to chat and enjoy listening to that Southern Accent. 

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