Our Living Planet Needs Us All to Be Part of the Solution | App that compels and empowers people globally to contribute to a worldwide watchdog network

7 News Australia World Wildlife Fund estimates 1.25B animals have perished in Australia fires due to human destructive practices leading to ecocide and global warming.

All people can be part of the solution in a worldwide watchdog network. Yes to good practices towards sustainability and ecological health. No to any proposals for production that is part of the status quo, contributing to the suffocation or destruction of any natural system that doesn’t take into consideration the entirety of the natural world.

Our Living Planet Needs Us to Say No EVERYWHERE to ANY War, Oil Drilling Activity, Fracking, new Highway production, Clearing of Forests for crops, coal or any energy other than sustainable, no to mining (emphasizing recycling) no to Big Ag or Big Meat production, No to plastic production, No to the Capitalism machine of endless production with the sole aim to increase the GDP, with no consideration for the mass extinction and spoiling and destruction of the natural systems on our planet. It is time to take a stance, and through your actions, be part of the solution.

Note an App idea:

Any city, state or federal government that allows, gives the go ahead, to any new production that isn’t aimed towards ecological sustainability, should be targeted and stopped by an international community of watchdogs. In other words, someone should create an app so that anyone, anywhere in the world can do a thumbs up for who is funding or subsidizing beneficial ecological practices according to what the site (community of scientists and specialists and elders) agree upon as ‘best practices’
And a thumbs down, listing of any projects that are obviously continuing the status quo, contributing to the suffocation or destruction of any natural system that doesn’t take into consideration the entirety of the natural world. Any information that anyone knows – local or covering a broader region – can be posted, investigated and tracked on this global site. All people can actively participate. The app needs to be something that makes people proud and empowered, and also compels them to be involved.