Earth Peace International Ceremony (EPIC)

Instead of the G20, < EPIC > the ‘Earth Peace International Ceremony’ (EPIC) > a psychedelic healing ceremony guided by Shamans. Mandatory for all Global Leaders >

Not Davos < location > The Andean Jungle

I personally would rather than seeing troops and weapons sent to Ukraine, that Putin goes to a world criminal court and is convicted of deceit and war crimes.

And rather than building armies, have the leaders duel (but that’s too scary, depending on who would win). 

A much better idea > enforced participation in an ayahuasca ceremony with shamans in the Andes (with no devices or contact with the outside world) so that the ego would dissolve and the pride and posturing would just peter out.

(peter out = english slang = dwindle, dissolve)

Mandatory attendance by all world leaders: Hungary, Brazil, China etc.

Instead of the G20, the ‘Earth Peace International Ceremony’ (EPIC) > a psychedelic voyage into shedding the ego and communing with the spiritual beings within the substances, guided by a shaman …. and eclipsing the war mentality with an extension towards peace, and agreements to completely disarm all military.

Repurpose all military equipment and assign all soldiers of every army worldwide and populations into planting trees, gardens and R&D towards building renewable and sustainable transportation, energy and housing and working to ensure that Half of the Earth is sustained for habitat and health of other species. 

Followed up with mandatory bi monthly (every two months) participation in psychedelic MDMA, Mushroom, ayahuasca, mescaline, cannabis sativa, etc. therapy sessions.

Why? Because at 2022, after centuries (millennia) of humans battling with each other and degrading the planet and forgetting about all of the other inhabitants with whom we share the Earth, it’s enough. Basta! Have the world billionaires, contribute to a humanitarian spiritual enlightenment, instead of building rockets for joy rides. Earth First! Eco Warriors! 

I just joined this group today, which I just learned about.

One of numerous events sponsored /\ hosted by world beyond war.
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