Introduction to my book “Adora & Vitali: A Spin on the Matter of Motion”


Though the tale is fiction, the book is woven throughout with supporting factual theories which emerge as the story evolves. This non-fiction evidence is laced with science; biology, geology, cosmology and physics, which substantiates how this theoretical world can exist. The scientific basis of this book with its substantial bibliography to allow the reader for further exploration of the topic, is proof of how this world which the characters encounter, can exist at all. I invite you on this intellectual and spiritual adventure.

eBook, Adora & Vitali: A Spin on the Matter of Motion

Adora & Vitali: A Spin on the Matter of Motion

As the writers of “The Universe StoryBrian Swimme and Thomas Berry indicate. All of the energy of the entire universe today was present in the initial Flaring Forth. And though no carbon-based life or stabilized forms of matter that we see today could have lasted for even a fraction of an instant during this, it was the birth of time and space, from which all creation is intricately related.

The authors mention the evolution of the human species up to the present, stating in their prologue: “The dominant entity that emerged was not any particular nation-state but the multi-national corporation. These new institutions directed vast scientific, technological, financial and bureaucratic powers toward controlling Earth processes for the benefit of the human economy. By the end of the twentieth century, the destruction left by the wars between nations was dwarfed in significance by the destruction of the natural systems by industrial plunder. In geological terms, human activities in the twentieth century ended the sixty-seven-million-year venture called the Cenozoic era. … Th future of Earth’s community rests in significant ways upon the decisions to be made by the humans who have inserted themselves so deeply into even the genetic codes of Earth’s process. The future will be worked out in the tensions between those committed to the Technozoic, a future of increased exploitation of Earth as resource, all for the benefit of humans, and those committed to the Ecozoic, a new mode of human-Earth relations, one where the well-being of the entire Earth community is the primary concern.”

Carol Keiter's drawing of dolphins jumping, one of the characters in "Adora & Vitali: A Spin on the Matter of Motion"

Carol Keiter’s drawing of dolphins jumping, one of the characters in “Adora & Vitali: A Spin on the Matter of Motion”

Hope walks through the fire, faith leaps over it.

Donations towards Carol Keiter’s writing, eBook, music composition, photography & illustrations are graciously accepted! PayPal Donate Button

Carol Keiter the blogger with camera in hand at MMNY-MakeMusicNewYork

Carol Keiter the blogger with camera in hand at MMNY-MakeMusicNewYork

Carol Keiter the blogger in New York city attending a Make Music New York event at Times Square presented by Yoko Ono

Carol Keiter the blogger in New York city attending a Make Music New York event at Times Square presented by Yoko Ono

Donations would be appreciated, since I’m not under any corporate umbrella, but drifting out here in cyberspace, fortunately connected to all of the information that has contributed to this book.