Introduction to my book “Adora & Vitali: A Spin on the Matter of Motion”


Though the tale is fiction, the book is woven throughout with supporting factual theories which emerge as the story evolves. This non-fiction evidence is laced with science; biology, geology, cosmology and physics, which substantiates how this theoretical world can exist. The scientific basis of this book with its substantial bibliography to allow the reader for further exploration of the topic, is proof of how this world which the characters encounter, can exist at all. I invite you on this intellectual and spiritual adventure.

eBook, Adora & Vitali: A Spin on the Matter of Motion

Adora & Vitali: A Spin on the Matter of Motion

As the writers of “The Universe StoryBrian Swimme and Thomas Berry indicate. All of the energy of the entire universe today was present in the initial Flaring Forth. And though no carbon-based life or stabilized forms of matter that we see today could have lasted for even a fraction of an instant during this, it was the birth of time and space, from which all creation is intricately related.

The authors mention the evolution of the human species up to the present, stating in their prologue: “The dominant entity that emerged was not any particular nation-state but the multi-national corporation. These new institutions directed vast scientific, technological, financial and bureaucratic powers toward controlling Earth processes for the benefit of the human economy. By the end of the twentieth century, the destruction left by the wars between nations was dwarfed in significance by the destruction of the natural systems by industrial plunder. In geological terms, human activities in the twentieth century ended the sixty-seven-million-year venture called the Cenozoic era. … Th future of Earth’s community rests in significant ways upon the decisions to be made by the humans who have inserted themselves so deeply into even the genetic codes of Earth’s process. The future will be worked out in the tensions between those committed to the Technozoic, a future of increased exploitation of Earth as resource, all for the benefit of humans, and those committed to the Ecozoic, a new mode of human-Earth relations, one where the well-being of the entire Earth community is the primary concern.”

Carol Keiter's drawing of dolphins jumping, one of the characters in "Adora & Vitali: A Spin on the Matter of Motion"

Carol Keiter’s drawing of dolphins jumping, one of the characters in “Adora & Vitali: A Spin on the Matter of Motion”

Hope walks through the fire, faith leaps over it.

Donations towards Carol Keiter’s writing, eBook, music composition, photography & illustrations are graciously accepted! PayPal Donate Button

Carol Keiter the blogger with camera in hand at MMNY-MakeMusicNewYork

Carol Keiter the blogger with camera in hand at MMNY-MakeMusicNewYork

Carol Keiter the blogger in New York city attending a Make Music New York event at Times Square presented by Yoko Ono

Carol Keiter the blogger in New York city attending a Make Music New York event at Times Square presented by Yoko Ono

Donations would be appreciated, since I’m not under any corporate umbrella, but drifting out here in cyberspace, fortunately connected to all of the information that has contributed to this book.

My Body is Contained Within the Limitlessness of My Soul | Jim Carrey Commencement Address

Every once in a while I post the exact same blog simultaneously on each of my sites. This is one of those times. It occurs when I come across something that I feel is so profound and important, that it must be shared.

It is this! Jim Carrey’s Commencement Address to the 2014 graduating class of Maharishi University (MUM).

Jim Carey’s Secret of Life The Journey of Purpose

Jim Carey’s Secret of Life The Journey of Purpose

I’m obviously big on the subject matter of Jim Carrey’s speeches, as I’d posted a blog referencing one this past summer. Same-same, but different. I also recently wrote about a similar subject; matters of heart and choosing love over fear.

Jim Carrey announces that he’s found his ministry in the Church of Freedom from Concern (FFC)

You can spend your whole life worrying about ghosts and about the path to the future.

So many of us choose our path out of fear, disguised as practicality. He mentions that his father could have been a great comedian, but he didn’t believe that it was possible for him. Instead, he took the conservative path and chose a safe job as an accountant. And ironically was sooner than later ‘let go’ by the firm. Point of the story:

You can fail at what you don’t want, so you might as well take a chance in doing what you love.

Carrey says I’m here to plant a seed, to help you move forward in life.

Will that seed be allowed to take root? Or will you be forced by Monsanto to use their seed? which causes knowing laughter to ripple through the audience.

Life doesn’t happen to you, it happens for you. Ask the universe for it!



He goes on to say, I used to believe that who I was, ended at the edge of my skin. Then I learned that everything outside the vehicle is part of me too! We have no limits…you can’t contain the container.

How can you serve the world?

Look at what the world needs, that your talent can provide.

The effect you have on others is the most valuable currency there is.

Finding true peace lies beyond personality, beyond the perception of others, invention and disguise, beyond effort itself.

• To find real peace, you have to let the armor go.

• Your need for acceptance can make you invisible in this world.

• Don’t let anything stand in the way of the light that shines through this form!

• Risk being seen in all of your glory.

• The imagination is always manufacturing scenarios, both good and bad. The ego tries to keep you trapped in the multiplex of the mind.

• Our eyes are not merely viewers, they are also projectors, running a second story over the picture.

• Fear is writing the script; the working title “I’ll never be enough.”

• How tricky this ego is, with the promise of something, that we already possess!

• Let the universe know what you want, and work toward it, while letting go of how it comes about.

• Your job is not to figure out how it’s going to happen, but to open the door in your head. Then when the door appears in your life, just walk through it.

• Don’t worry if you miss your cue, there are always doors opening.

Take a chance on faith. Not religion, but faith. Not hope, but faith.
He says I don’t believe in hope. Hope is a beggar.

Hope walks through the fire and faith leaps over it.

Carol among crowd in New York city attending a Make Music New York event at Times Square presented by Yoko Ono

Carol among crowd in New York city attending a Make Music New York event at Times Square presented by Yoko Ono

Carol Keiter, blogger, Make Music New York,Times Square, Yoko Ono

Carol Keiter the blogger in New York city attending a Make Music New York event at Times Square presented by Yoko Ono

New Moon | New Horizons | I had a dream

I almost titled this blog “Now that I blew it, I might as well blow it some more!” which is pretty self defeating itnit?

I’m talking about the last blog that I wrote. Because I just had my expectations raised to a new crescendo, after sending an application for a job as a ‘resident blogger’. They appeared to have perused all around my blogs. However, rather hastily – faster than most German businesses ever contact a person with a followup –  responded with a rejection. Saying, with respect to the FLOOD of people applying for this position, I have not made the cut. It occurred to me, that perhaps proposing a spiritual and economic revolution in the blog I wrote just days prior, might have deterred them.

The other night when i was returning home and perhaps feeling a bit sorry for myself, a young woman was getting off her tricycle with her crutches attached as I arrived at my door. Ahem, so I was quickly reminded to NOT dwell on what I don’t have, but rather on what I do have. A topic I had just written about in a recent blog; sip my own medicine!

The last blog is probably the reason why I was quickly dis missed from this job. A spiritual and particularly economic revolution won’t sit well in the world of internet startups, with a company who wants to crank in money and popularity to sell their product.

That’s what I meant when I said I blew it, might as well blow it some more…I therefore better just concentrate on my book, and go COMPLETELY underground. It might be too late for some of the things that I may have wanted in life, but there’s still time to learn and grow and reap from the benefits of ‘the road less traveled‘.

Below is a description I put together about the dream – two dreams – one while sleeping, one while awake.

dream crowded with robots

dream crowded with robots

The movie I saw years after the earlier ‘waking day dream’ images of virtual reality is “Strange Days“. Reading the headlines a day after posting this, this New York Times article talks about the Google headquarters in Palo Alto, California putting its efforts into producing robots.”Google Puts Money on Robots, Using the Man Behind Android”

So, if Berlin rejects me, I’ll just hone into my own path. Recently one of my sister’s planted the seed of Chopra and Opra’s meditation challenge, on finding one’s real essential self and following this path.

I create my reality

11th meditation Chopra 7 Opra 11/21/2013
I create my reality

The same sister catapulted me into investigating recently the “hippy trail”.

Earlier in the week I posted pictures of a friend’s website that he does with pics from his ultralight back in Taos, New Mexico. His website shows pictures he has taken from his ultralight; Chris Dahl-bredine’s website – pics from the ultralight air craft.

Chris Dahl-bredine flying his ultralight over Taos, New Mexico

Chris Dahl-bredine flying his ultralight over Taos, New Mexico

I had been thinking about Taos a few hours earlier in Berlin, prior to seeing his pics posted on Facebook. These pictures taken by Chris Dahl-bredine are so breathtaking. We knew one another when we both worked for the mountain, Taos Ski Valley in New Mexico. His commitment and years of dedication to learn how to pilot his ultralight, allows him to fly over this gorgeous terrain and make these photographs possible. I walked away from this area and the promise of a lovely, giving person, to now hover in uncertainty, in a quite gritty (at times) part of the world; where I am alone, no dogs, cats, kids, partner…all which i seem to desire now. There are ravenously fabulous aspects of Berlin, that have drawn me back along with thousands of other artists and musicians from all over the globe. Just to be in this cosmopolitan metropolis where one can draw ‘histories’ from the insights of people one crosses paths with is fascinating; lots of stories and history. The choices I have made are what caused me to think about Taos.

desktop Chris Dahl-bredine's photo of El Salto above Taos, New Mexico

desktop Chris Dahl-bredine’s photo of El Salto above Taos, New Mexico

Yet, I would never have discovered Taos, if I hadn’t moved from Pennsylvania, to Washington D.C. and then west to the rockies and high desert and several years later, further west to the chilly Pacific. First stop was San Diego where I better crafted my skateboarding skills and learned to surf, after having skied and snow boarded in the mountains. However, it was later in San Francisco where I gathered momentum to acquire some business acumen and skills towards using the computer as a tool for multimedia. I didn’t leave my heart in San Francisco. My heart seems to pull me further along. I don’t know whether Berlin will welcome me or beckon me to take flight to further discoveries. I may have just nudged myself out of the writing job market with the last blog I uploaded, talking about our need for a spiritual and economic revolution. ‘-)o)

I merely need to focus on gratitude, as most of the messages pouring into my inbox on Thanksgiving Day 2013 are emphasizing, rather than being a ‘hater’ or just feeling dis appointed.

There’s so much beauty in this world, and I have a unique ability of traveling alone and approaching ‘strangers’ by listening and conversing. So if Berlin rejects me, there’s always the possibility of starting to hitchhike around the world. ‘the

By Carol Keiter the blogger below.

singer Skunk Anansie Clitorally Speaking

singer Skunk Anansie Clitorally Speaking

carol the blogger 2013-12-01 desktop adventure planning

carol the blogger 2013-12-01 desktop adventure planning