Carol Keiter’s author website | A Seahorse Tale – A Spin on the Matter of Motion

Seahorse, spiraling, drawing, creativity, dreams, em field, electromagnetism, young adult, educational ebook, A Seahorse Tale, A Spin on the Matter of Motion

A Seahorse Tale – A Spin on the Matter of Motion

Seahorse, spiraling, drawing, creativity, dreams, em field, electromagnetism, young adult, educational ebook, A Seahorse Tale, A Spin on the Matter of Motion

“A Seahorse Tale – A Spin on the Matter of Motion” is a young adult educational eBook.

Seahorse, spiraling, drawing, creativity, dreams, em field, electromagnetism, young adult, educational ebook, A Seahorse Tale, A Spin on the Matter of Motion

“A Seahorse Tale – A Spin on the Matter of Motion” is a young adult educational eBook.

Predominantly a physics textbook within a science fantasy tale; it depicts the spiraling nature of our universe in general and electromagnetism, in particular

Seahorse, spiraling, drawing, creativity, dreams, em field, electromagnetism, young adult textbook, educational ebook, A Seahorse Tale - A Spin on the Matter of Motion

“A Seahorse Tale – A Spin on the Matter of Motion” is a young adult educational eBook. Predominantly a physics textbook within a science fantasy tale; it depicts the spiraling nature of our universe in general and electromagnetism, in particular.

Updated 2021 Version of the (TOC) Table of Contents of Carol Keiter’s Young Adult educational ebook, A Seahorse Tale – A Spin on the Matter of Motion



amazing discovery and picture I took on the Amtrak train a month ago across the continental divide.
PayPal Donate Button
Carol Keiter aka nomadbeatz welcomes donations for her writing, photography, illustrations, eBook and music composition
The PayPal donation button functions in Safari and Firefox, however is broken in Chrome.
my bicycle

I need some guidance about how to Market my eBook to Educational Material Brokers: private/public/home schools/charter/expeditionary learning..

Hello there,

Any parents, teachers, home-schoolers, educational book publishers, agents, promotors out there who have a clue about who to contact in the arena of educational material brokers? In other words, I need help knowing where to start in the marketing end, to get my book into schools as auxiliary learning digital reading material? When I was a substitute teacher in Santa Fe, New Mexico all the elementary school students had iPads, and the middle and high school kids all had laptops. So that’s the gist of it and the arena I’m aiming for!

I’m writing an educational ebook for kids & young adults; i.e. private/public/charter/home schools/autistic/accelerated/expeditionary learning | 2018-19 year | I need help marketing it to educational material brokers. I am (92%) completed and really excited about it. I haven’t had any council about how to go about doing this: agent, marketing, self-publishing?

It’s designed as a learning tool. My intent is to market it to kids and young adults (home schoolers, autistic/accelerated students, public/private/charter and expeditionary learning schools.

I’ve designed it uniquely as an eBook for digital audiences, I’d never get away with the cost of printing, with almost every page featuring a color image. For the most part the book,

“Adora & Vitali: A Spin on the Matter of Motion”

delves into the world of energy and information, electromagnetism and systems theory. It’s a tale incorporating a great deal of information about physics and the interconnectedness of life. The subjects evolve as the characters unveil them. It is an interplay of art, science and spirituality.

Adora & Vitali: A Spin on the Matter of Motion

As said, there are images on most of the (circa 180) pages, most in color. Many feature my artwork illustrating characters as well as graphs and images with documented sources, which illustrate the subject matter.

Each ‘chapter’ is a page. The table of contents is a searchable index of subjects. The book can  either be read from the beginning to end, or the reader can skip to different subjects; to focus on that topic or contents for a day, or week. I’ve designed the bibliography in google docs to enable the links to be cross-referenced alphabetically.

I have never done this before. I do not have an agent, nor any tentacles in writing groups or marketing channels. I am doing the research, writing, illustration and editing myself. I intended initially to market it myself, however certainly there are people who specialize in specifically connecting educators with educational material – through educational market brokers.

It will be completed by this summer. Now wait, that’s technically 4 weeks. Yes, I could conceivably pull that off!  Yet, the specific market I’m aiming for is the coming academic school year of 2018/2019. I have no income or sources of revenue presently and am in credit debt. That’s why I’m commuting to the library by bicycle every day: in order to have a desk, electricity, WiFi and an extraordinarily pleasant place to work. (I can’t afford to sit in a cafe and purchase an Americano every day to linger and loiter there….it ads up.

I would appreciate any advice or leads. Naturally, detailed information about the contents of the book are readily available. I’m so excited, hardly anyone has even taken a peak at this. Wow, and it’s been at various bursts, my baby. I’m ready to give this little body of work a life of its own and  share it (at a price) with the world. Hey, I share all the information in the blogs I write, for free, giving the information away. I do foresee wanting to do a lot more writing and music, and do have to pay rent and things like that. Presently, I’ve been camping in a room in the state of Rhode Island. I couldn’t stay in France, no VISA presently. I am so excited to hear the responses and really believe in what I’ve been crafting. As I’ve heard other writer’s say, at some points I feel like the book is writing itself.

I look forward to guidance about what my next step is in bringing this to the appropriate recipients; buyers.

Carol Keiter
(720) 243-2953

PayPal Donate Button

Carol Keiter aka nomadbeatz welcomes donations for her writing, photography, illustrations, eBook & music composition

carol the blogger March 24th, 2017 in New Mexico

carol the blogger March 24th, 2017 in New Mexico

Carol Keiter contact

Carol Keiter contact

Young adult educational eBook | A Seahorse Tale – A Spin on the Matter of Motion

I believe this eBook will build enthusiasm and intrigue for multiple subjects, It is a science reference book, cloaked in a science fantasy adventure; replete with real science and resplendent illustrations; with graphs, charts and links for further investigation.

A Seahorse Tale – A Spin on the Matter of Motion

Young adult educational eBook for public, private, magnet, charter, cyber, home-schools, autism spectrum, experiential and expeditionary learning.

Here’s the trailer:

I just decided to post this letter of introduction which I’m sending to Charter Schools, to each of my blogs, since perhaps someone who’s involved in education, eBook marketing and publishing, with an affiliation with Charter Schools or knows-how in marketing an educational eBook, to provide me with advice or send someone my way!

It’s not finished, but I thought I’d start with the back-end, or front-end, getting it out there.

…I’m looking for the appropriate person/department (academic materials, material acquisition) to market my eBook, which I believe will be of interest to students as an auxiliary learning tool.


A Seahorse Tale – A Spin on the Matter of Motion

Seahorse, spiraling, drawing, creativity, dreams, em field, electromagnetism, young adult textbook, educational ebook, A Seahorse Tale - A Spin on the Matter of Motion

“A Seahorse Tale – A Spin on the Matter of Motion” is a young adult educational eBook. Predominantly a physics textbook within a science fantasy tale; it depicts the spiraling nature of our universe in general and electromagnetism, in particular.


This science fantasy adventure involves a spiritual quest (no religious affiliation), full of art and science. The adventure involves the quest of a young woman and the characters she meets in her journey, into an upside-down world. Not really upside down, but a place affected by electromagnetism that has lower gravity levels as one climbs to this place. The people there, where the main character is journeying to, have a correspondingly intrinsic capacity of transparent thought. They are conscious of each others’ thoughts and consequently incapable of telling lies. Yet most of the story takes place as Adora journeys there – as there could be sequels!

Frankly, as of June 1st (almost two weeks since posting this), after editing and moving around information as well as researching and editing bibliography sources, the information below has been updated, and still is no longer current! Nevertheless, you get the gist of the contents! I’ve been working hard within a strict time limit – a really good thing.

Here are the first two pages of the Table of Contents (subject to change) but giving you a gist of the contents.


Young Adult educational ebook, A Seahorse Tale, A Spin on the Matter of Motion, TOC, Table of Contents, New Version, Carol Keiter

New 2020 Version of the TOC Table of Contents of Carol Keiter’s Young Adult educational ebook, A Seahorse Tale – A Spin on the Matter of Motion


1st page Table of Contents

1st page Table of Contents

2nd page Table of Contents

2nd page Table of Contents

The approximately 150 page eBook (Completion end of June, 2017), is designed to be read from beginning to end, or to be read in segments. Almost every page introduces a particular subject; including graphs, charts and links to further investigation of that topic. The online Table of Contents and Bibliography allow the reader to choose from various educational subjects, ranging from biology, climatology, and geography to physics, These scientific topics of inquiry are introduced as they arise in the story; with the inference that these hypothetical events in a fantastical environment, could actually transpire.

Here are a few pages of the bibliography, also subject to change. I’m using google docs in order to also alphabetize the bibliography by subject.

Bibliography created in google docs to feature alphabetical listing by subject.

Bibliography created in google docs to feature alphabetical listing by subject

Bibliography created in google docs to feature alphabetical listing by subject.

Adora & Vitali: A Spin on the Matter of Motion has a plethora of art accompanying the science links, providing the reader with the capability to further investigate a topic. It is a colorful and refreshing learning tool for students and adults. The eBook is a stepping stone of intrigue for subsequent exploration into a multitude of scientific topics.

character name meanings and association with elements

character name meanings and association with elements

I’m an independent contractor who has been writing two blogs since 2009, I’m particularly interested in environmental sustainability, renewable energy, (DIY) do-it-yourself practices to reduce one’s carbon footprint, reinvesting in the community and especially the topics of wildlife and animal habitat preservation. I participated in a 2 week educational forum about the environment in Paris, during the COP21 Climate Talks in Paris, As a writer, artist, musician and composer, I have no umbrella organization presently supporting me financially. I welcome any suggestions you may have regarding the eBook world of publishing, as I have yet to approach any publishers. I can provide you with additional sections of the book to view its layout and presentation.
(720) 243-2953

ebook trailer:



art portfolio:

music composition:

Carol Keiter Contact card

Carol Keiter Contact card

PayPal Donate Button

Carol Keiter aka nomadbeatz welcomes donations for her writing, photography, illustrations, eBook & music composition!

Carol Keiter le_blogger, writer & illustrator, musician & composer

Carol Keiter le_blogger, writer & illustrator, musician & composer

Emergence | Gift of Artist’s Atelier | Specifically to Complete my eBook in 6 weeks

Update on Carol Keiter the blogger. I do love to post blogs in two’s. This evening I have. I just posted on my digesthis site: this

Recently I shared photos on my Facebook wall of the place I suddenly find myself living in, a yurt, indigenous to nomadic people of the Steppes of Central Asia, Mongolia. Here are some pics of the yurt residence in Taos, New Mexico and the surrounding fields.

yurt, residence, Taos, New Mexico

yurt residence in Taos, New Mexico

I also recently came across and shared some photos of a neighboring county in Pennsylvania where I was born and raised. Lancaster and Lititz, PA are each arts and crafty towns surrounded by farms.

carol_taking_photo_lancaster_pa copy


The idea of living in the yurt was introduced by a friend from my hometown in PA, 9 months ago when I was arriving to New Mexico after the stint in Tucson, Arizona left me with little recourse but to leave because of not having had success finding work. He knew that his neighbor could be keen on having some people live there to help out with his trees. Indeed he is happy to have the help. The idea back then August, 2016 was to come live in this yurt in Taos, but then I never made it from Santa fe. Two week after I arrived there, I wound up flying back to Pennsylvania to be by my mother’s side when she died the day after I arrived. I was then not sure of where to go, but headed back to Santa Fe where I was gainfully employed for the next 8 months between substitute teaching for the Santa Fe public schools K through 12 and working on weekends and holidays as a ski instructor at SkiSantafe. The paid income was a nice change of pace, the skiing, a delight. I love skiing and the alpine environment. I was grateful every day I was there. However, my slammed schedule meant that I had little time to write blogs, and didn’t even attempt but twice to get back to the book.

Slim savings brought me to this new situation which is sort of another WWOOF (world wide org. of organic farms); a work-exchange involved in caring for baby trees. Pretty cool actually, digging in rich soil, smelling wonderful scents of plants, seeing cows and horses and now in the spring, calves and colts and birds surrounding the fields, calling out all sorts of neat calls. My biggest challenge, has been the chase for electricity and internet. I have become like one of the local ‘off the grid’ backpackers, seeking out places to plug in.

The crystallizing icing-on-the-cake thing, after feeling lots of frustration because the town shuts down really early – and there just aren’t places to go to plug in and connect to the world. My friend just extended the invitation – for a limited time only – until I head back to PA for a memorial for my mother – an atelier. Basically I reside in the yurt, and have been gifted a room in a home nearby as my creation space; with a desk, stool, electricity to plug my power surge protector and a WiFi connection. He has offered this atelier as an artist space > to use it to complete my eBook. “Adora & Vitali: A Spin on the Matter of Moion.

eBook, Carol Keiter, Adora & Vitali A Spin on the Matter of Motion

Adora & Vitali: A Spin on the Matter of Motion

Encouraged to direct my full attention and focus on completing by book; it is my choice if I embrace it and full-on surge into making this happen, or squander the invitation. This is something that I hoped for, and now it is here. I will use it. I was seriously having so much difficulty finding a place to work, that I was starting to become very disconcerted, to put it mildly.

Of course, I’m already side-lined, wanting to quickly post another blog or two, well, that’s okay, it’s to inform people what’s going on and to spread the accountability even further. No excuses. Here’s the platform, the space and time. There are absolutely no distractions in this town for me. Not much of a social happening place, perhaps that may change. No distractions, just lovely nature, tourists, and as in Santa Fe, a fair amount of homeless people here in this dusty, lovely, hippy town with loads of people living off-the-grid who come into town occasionally to fill up; I’ve seen quite a number of very heavily tattooed guys and girls. And as in Santa fe, a large number of pick-up trucks, some that are enormous, and vehicles with windows tinted so dark that you can barely see if someone is in the car. yeah, whatever.

So, step one, open the book and begin look over my google doc regarding marketing, to gather names of Charter Schools to approach them to see if any could be interested in carrying this science-fantasy book. Any hints or suggestions about marketing/publishing an eBook, send them my way. 🙂

Carol Keiter the blogger on return hitch from Taos to Santa Fe, New Mexico

Carol Keiter the blogger on return hitch from Taos to Santa Fe, New Mexico

PayPal Donate Button

Carol Keiter aka nomadbeatz welcomes donations for her writing, photography, illustrations, eBook & music composition

educational eBook Trailer “A Seahorse Tale – A Spin on the Matter of Motion”

my eBook has a new name.

A Seahorse Tale – A Spin on the Matter of Motion

Young adult educational eBook for public, private, magnet, charter, cyber, home-schools, autism spectrum, experiential and expeditionary learning.

I suggested that it was the Final metamorphosis of the ‘eBook Trailer’ for “Adora & Vitali: A Spin on the Matter of Motion” – however a new name was born, through the brilliant perception of a mentor who appeared November 15th, 2019

A Seahorse Tale

Adora & Vitali: A Spin on the Matter of Motion trailer thumbnails

A Seahorse Tale – A Spin on the Matter of Motion trailer thumbnails

Thanks to for making it quite simple to build and display, for free!!


Young Adult educational ebook, A Seahorse Tale, A Spin on the Matter of Motion, TOC, Table of Contents, New Version, Carol Keiter

New 2020 Version of the TOC Table of Contents of Carol Keiter’s Young Adult educational ebook, A Seahorse Tale – A Spin on the Matter of Motion

Announcement of my soon to be released eBook

I intend to release my first book around the summer solstice, June 21st.

“Adora & Vitali: A Spin on the Matter of Motion”

Due to having not a ‘low’, but ‘no’ budget ‘-) I’ll produce an eBook prior to the first print edition. Besides writing, illustrating and composing music for the digital version, I’m publishing and marketing it too; using iBook Author, Smashwords as well as (kdp) Kindle of Amazon, so that it can be read on whatever platform or device the reader prefers. I’ll also do a voice-over for an audio-book version. The print will be POD ‘print on demand’ for starters. It’s all new terrain and the whole process is a learning experience, about which I’ll be happy to share any information!

Below is an ‘inside/back cover’ summary about what the book entails! I’m open to any suggestions, yet particularly I’d love to hear about any venues (book stores/cafes in your area) which you recommend for me to contact to set up ‘readings’. Once I schedule dates at various locations, I’ll map out a tour. I’m always up for traveling and talking with people! From early on, I anticipated creating versions in French, Spanish and German, especially on the digital platform. This would give the reader the option to read the same content in another language as a learning tool. I’m conversant in these and love learning languages. Since I’m not fluent, I’ll naturally need editors who are native speakers. adoras_path_satellite_revised_2_10_13
“Adora & Vitali: A Spin on the Matter of Motion” is a spiritual quest imbued with scientific concepts. It is woven throughout with parcels of information relevant to the phenomena that emerge in the story itself. It is specifically designed to inspire curiosity and evoke within the reader the desire to learn more about the fascinating nature of our universe.

A children’s book for adults or classroom textbook embedded within a tale, it has approximately 80 illustrations throughout (black & white as well as color): from scientific diagrams and charts to character and fantasy images. Interwoven throughout are about 120 (and counting) active links; a ‘live’ bibliography that not only substantiates the facts but gives the reader a means to explore in more depth each of the subjects covered.

The tale involves a young woman named Adora, who after learning of a place which enchants her because of its mysterious qualities, decides to journey there. The place not only has almost no gravity, which is extraordinary in itself, but the people residing there have exceptional qualities of mind and spirt. None are capable of lying – they are sentient beings able to telepathically read each others’ minds. A utopian, transparent world, where only truth and honesty exist; in which intentions are transmitted through love. To reach her destination, she is instructed to follow the magnetic lines. The book is a journey to this place with its supernatural characteristics, distilled with information revealing how this theoretically ‘could’ occur. For example, successive natural phenomena were triggered as a result of accelerated global warming.

Besides reading the book sequentially, it is designed as a reference tool in which one can jump from one topic to another; each covered on its unique page. The book is geared for curious readers from adolescent on; for students, science or science fantasy enthusiasts, or those curious about spirituality and consciousness. Generally, those intrigued with adventures into the unknown. Besides being a tale infused with symbolism and mystery (“Adora” means “love” and “Vitali” means “life”), it is a multimedia ‘expeditionary learning platform’, which peers into the phenomena of nature from the microscopic world of subatomic physics to the cosmic, including a smorgasbord of other topics from biology, to geology, chemistry and more, displaying how extraordinary ‘our’ world is. As the title suggests, among other phenomena in the natural world, the book strives to build an appreciation and understanding of the integral role that electromagnetism plays in all of life as well as the communication of love.

with love,