I need some guidance about how to Market my eBook to Educational Material Brokers: private/public/home schools/charter/expeditionary learning..

Hello there,

Any parents, teachers, home-schoolers, educational book publishers, agents, promotors out there who have a clue about who to contact in the arena of educational material brokers? In other words, I need help knowing where to start in the marketing end, to get my book into schools as auxiliary learning digital reading material? When I was a substitute teacher in Santa Fe, New Mexico all the elementary school students had iPads, and the middle and high school kids all had laptops. So that’s the gist of it and the arena I’m aiming for!

I’m writing an educational ebook for kids & young adults; i.e. private/public/charter/home schools/autistic/accelerated/expeditionary learning | 2018-19 year | I need help marketing it to educational material brokers. I am (92%) completed and really excited about it. I haven’t had any council about how to go about doing this: agent, marketing, self-publishing?

It’s designed as a learning tool. My intent is to market it to kids and young adults (home schoolers, autistic/accelerated students, public/private/charter and expeditionary learning schools.

I’ve designed it uniquely as an eBook for digital audiences, I’d never get away with the cost of printing, with almost every page featuring a color image. For the most part the book,

“Adora & Vitali: A Spin on the Matter of Motion”

delves into the world of energy and information, electromagnetism and systems theory. It’s a tale incorporating a great deal of information about physics and the interconnectedness of life. The subjects evolve as the characters unveil them. It is an interplay of art, science and spirituality.

Adora & Vitali: A Spin on the Matter of Motion

As said, there are images on most of the (circa 180) pages, most in color. Many feature my artwork illustrating characters as well as graphs and images with documented sources, which illustrate the subject matter.

Each ‘chapter’ is a page. The table of contents is a searchable index of subjects. The book can  either be read from the beginning to end, or the reader can skip to different subjects; to focus on that topic or contents for a day, or week. I’ve designed the bibliography in google docs to enable the links to be cross-referenced alphabetically.

I have never done this before. I do not have an agent, nor any tentacles in writing groups or marketing channels. I am doing the research, writing, illustration and editing myself. I intended initially to market it myself, however certainly there are people who specialize in specifically connecting educators with educational material – through educational market brokers.

It will be completed by this summer. Now wait, that’s technically 4 weeks. Yes, I could conceivably pull that off!  Yet, the specific market I’m aiming for is the coming academic school year of 2018/2019. I have no income or sources of revenue presently and am in credit debt. That’s why I’m commuting to the library by bicycle every day: in order to have a desk, electricity, WiFi and an extraordinarily pleasant place to work. (I can’t afford to sit in a cafe and purchase an Americano every day to linger and loiter there….it ads up.

I would appreciate any advice or leads. Naturally, detailed information about the contents of the book are readily available. I’m so excited, hardly anyone has even taken a peak at this. Wow, and it’s been at various bursts, my baby. I’m ready to give this little body of work a life of its own and  share it (at a price) with the world. Hey, I share all the information in the blogs I write, for free, giving the information away. I do foresee wanting to do a lot more writing and music, and do have to pay rent and things like that. Presently, I’ve been camping in a room in the state of Rhode Island. I couldn’t stay in France, no VISA presently. I am so excited to hear the responses and really believe in what I’ve been crafting. As I’ve heard other writer’s say, at some points I feel like the book is writing itself.

I look forward to guidance about what my next step is in bringing this to the appropriate recipients; buyers.

Carol Keiter
(720) 243-2953

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Carol Keiter aka nomadbeatz welcomes donations for her writing, photography, illustrations, eBook & music composition

carol the blogger March 24th, 2017 in New Mexico

carol the blogger March 24th, 2017 in New Mexico

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