“I Am” documentary | What is Wrong with the World? What can we do about it?

After facing his own death, film producer Tom Shadyac suddenly had an instant sense of clarity and purpose. He went around the world with a film crew of four, to talk with significant minds, authors, journalists, academics, leaders, historians, religious leaders who had been extremely influential and inspirational in his own life, to ask two questions: What is Wrong with the World? What can we do about it?

He created this documentary film in three parts. This is it. Tom Shadyac director of I Am. Part one.

Asking whether there is a fundamental, endemic problem, that causes all the other problems?

I Am, director Tom Shadyac, Albert Einstein quote

I Am, Albert Einstein quote

I Am Part Two introduces HeartMath, the concept that the heart is smart and in many indigenous cultures, the heart is the center of consciousness, not the brain. It also ventures into quantum entanglement.

I Am, Desmond Tutu

Desmond Tutu God says I dont have anybody else except you

I Am Howard Zinn No evidence that war comes out of some innate human need

“I Am” Part Three introduces the fact that mass mind – many individual actions together – really does affect the fabric of reality. The evolutionary biologist, Elisabet Sahtouris, states
this is a participatory universe. Interconnectivity. Everything that we do in it, changes it. We have an interior role in co-creating with all the other species.

Everything on our planet is alive.

I Am Part Three Howard Zinn talks about how change happens in increments by individual actions together. Desmond Tutu states that change happens, when each person feels concern.

I Am quote Ralph Waldo Emerson, Money, False Principles

I Am quote Ralph Waldo Emerson

The Power of One person.

I Am video on Vimeo Dr David Suzuki

I Am, We should be grateful and celebrate our relatives

I Am We should be grateful and celebrate our relatives

Dr. David Suzuki, scientist, author “The Sacred Balance”, mentions Wade Davis’s term the ethnosphere: the sum total of all of the ways that humans beings have imagines the world into existence. Suzuki talks about the separation of humanity from the natural world, and the fact that the economy is the most important thing in our lives.

Among the people interviewed:

Lynne McTaggart – Author, “the Field” talks of the stories that fashion our worldview, in a competition, scarcity, in which a person needs to be significant, at someone else’s expense

Dean Radin – Senior Scientist, Institute of Noetic Sciences,

Howard Zinn – Historian, Author “A People’s History of the United States”

John Francis – Environmentalist, Author “Planetwalker”

Noam Chomsky- Professor Emeritus of Linguistics, MIT

Desmond Tutu – Archbishop, Cape Town, South Africa

Thom Hartmann – Author “Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight”
There’s a fundamental difference between machines and life, and we are running our society as if we are a machine and as if the world is a machine
Thom mentions Jack Davis Professor of Native American studies at UCA Davis, talks of the Native American term “Wetico” = cannibal – one who eats the life of another. It is considered an illness.

Daniel Quinn – Author, “Ishmael”

Ray Anderson – CEO Interface

Chris Jordan – Photographer

Coleman Barks – Poet, Author “The Essential Rumi”

Marc Ian Barasch – Author, “Field Notes on the Compassionate Life”

Dacher Keltner – Professor of Psychology, UC Berkeley

Rollin McCraty – Senior Researcher, Heartmath Institute

Elisabet Sahtouris – Evolutionary Biologist

Marilyn Schlitz – President, CEO Institute of Noetic Sciences



Carol holding the plastic globe

I need some guidance about how to Market my eBook to Educational Material Brokers: private/public/home schools/charter/expeditionary learning..

Hello there,

Any parents, teachers, home-schoolers, educational book publishers, agents, promotors out there who have a clue about who to contact in the arena of educational material brokers? In other words, I need help knowing where to start in the marketing end, to get my book into schools as auxiliary learning digital reading material? When I was a substitute teacher in Santa Fe, New Mexico all the elementary school students had iPads, and the middle and high school kids all had laptops. So that’s the gist of it and the arena I’m aiming for!

I’m writing an educational ebook for kids & young adults; i.e. private/public/charter/home schools/autistic/accelerated/expeditionary learning | 2018-19 year | I need help marketing it to educational material brokers. I am (92%) completed and really excited about it. I haven’t had any council about how to go about doing this: agent, marketing, self-publishing?

It’s designed as a learning tool. My intent is to market it to kids and young adults (home schoolers, autistic/accelerated students, public/private/charter and expeditionary learning schools.

I’ve designed it uniquely as an eBook for digital audiences, I’d never get away with the cost of printing, with almost every page featuring a color image. For the most part the book,

“Adora & Vitali: A Spin on the Matter of Motion”

delves into the world of energy and information, electromagnetism and systems theory. It’s a tale incorporating a great deal of information about physics and the interconnectedness of life. The subjects evolve as the characters unveil them. It is an interplay of art, science and spirituality.

Adora & Vitali: A Spin on the Matter of Motion

As said, there are images on most of the (circa 180) pages, most in color. Many feature my artwork illustrating characters as well as graphs and images with documented sources, which illustrate the subject matter.

Each ‘chapter’ is a page. The table of contents is a searchable index of subjects. The book can  either be read from the beginning to end, or the reader can skip to different subjects; to focus on that topic or contents for a day, or week. I’ve designed the bibliography in google docs to enable the links to be cross-referenced alphabetically.

I have never done this before. I do not have an agent, nor any tentacles in writing groups or marketing channels. I am doing the research, writing, illustration and editing myself. I intended initially to market it myself, however certainly there are people who specialize in specifically connecting educators with educational material – through educational market brokers.

It will be completed by this summer. Now wait, that’s technically 4 weeks. Yes, I could conceivably pull that off!  Yet, the specific market I’m aiming for is the coming academic school year of 2018/2019. I have no income or sources of revenue presently and am in credit debt. That’s why I’m commuting to the library by bicycle every day: in order to have a desk, electricity, WiFi and an extraordinarily pleasant place to work. (I can’t afford to sit in a cafe and purchase an Americano every day to linger and loiter there….it ads up.

I would appreciate any advice or leads. Naturally, detailed information about the contents of the book are readily available. I’m so excited, hardly anyone has even taken a peak at this. Wow, and it’s been at various bursts, my baby. I’m ready to give this little body of work a life of its own and  share it (at a price) with the world. Hey, I share all the information in the blogs I write, for free, giving the information away. I do foresee wanting to do a lot more writing and music, and do have to pay rent and things like that. Presently, I’ve been camping in a room in the state of Rhode Island. I couldn’t stay in France, no VISA presently. I am so excited to hear the responses and really believe in what I’ve been crafting. As I’ve heard other writer’s say, at some points I feel like the book is writing itself.

I look forward to guidance about what my next step is in bringing this to the appropriate recipients; buyers.

Carol Keiter
(720) 243-2953

PayPal Donate Button

Carol Keiter aka nomadbeatz welcomes donations for her writing, photography, illustrations, eBook & music composition

carol the blogger March 24th, 2017 in New Mexico

carol the blogger March 24th, 2017 in New Mexico

Carol Keiter contact

Carol Keiter contact

False Dichotomy | Separate from Self | Gabor Maté | Michael Gregor | Shift

Unprecedented this time around with each of the blogs, is my intention to connect the two in meaning. Describing in each case an illness born of separation, and the prescribed means of emerging from this separation with an anecdotal film. Each contain points that will be woven into my book. I’ve created a connection between this and the other blog which I’m sending out to cyberspace – double happiness.

The spiritual and collective social bankruptcy is evident with the continued violence and addictions that stem from a separation from self.

On the frontier of ‘systems theory’, the Hungarian-born Canadian physician Dr. Gabor Maté recognizes that many conditions which people find themselves in are the direct result of their behavior – coping mechanisms – from what they experienced in their infancy.
Maté has masterful insights into the human condition.

Gabor Maté talks of the intelligence of the body When the Body Says No.
— Caring for ourselves while caring for others.

Gabor Maté When the Body Says No

Gabor Maté When the Body Says No intelligence of the body

He states that all physical and mental illness, misaligned behavior, criminality…comes from the trauma a person had in childhood. That ultimately every child entering the world needs to feel the security of attachment, a connection to another human being which extends into a feeling of belonging, together with a sense that they are being and doing ‘who they are’, true to their authentic self.

Maté suggests that most human malfeasance is related to a person’s experience as an infant, due to either not having a sense of security through not having had a significant attachment to another person (parent/caregiver) or having been prevented from expressing who one is. The latter for example, told to keep quiet, that you are in the way, your opinion doesn’t matter, criticized for each move one makes.

He believes that Western medicine continues to reinforce this dichotomy between the body and mind as well as the individual from the social and familial context. This concept of a false separation is what instigated me to correlate the topic with my digesthis blog, in the context of believing that we are separate from our environment.

https://digesthis.wordpress.com/2018/04/26/false-dichotomy-separate-from-environment-zero-point-energy-john-searl-brian-oleary-thrive/ This false sense of separation is what has lead to a mass unconsciousness about who we are and how much we are physically, spiritually and emotionally inextricably a part of our environment.

Maté mentions that this ‘separateness’ point of view interferes with the way that intellects accept information. They stand above what they are describing “behind their intellectual armor”, detached and removed. In their silos of research, they have a difficult time separating themselves from the structure of how they see things from what they’ve studied, to see a larger picture. Caught up in looking through the screen of what they know and have already adhered to as the correct picture, it’s difficult for them to envision a particular disease or symptom as the result of behavior that the child adopted (repeatedly) to compensate for the connection they lacked or being sidelined from being themselves. And that the repetition (like building a muscle or letting it atrophy) embedded in behavior as a coping mechanism, is what leads to substance or food abuse, negligence, suppression of feelings, continual anger or fear, or continued disillusionment and frustration from being obstructed from follow one’s own voice and dreams, is ultimately what makes a person ill. Completely connecting the gut, heart, mind and body…which can best be remedied through connecting all of these in the healing process.

Thich Nhat Hanh Guarding Knowledge is not a good way to understand. Understanding means to throw away your knowledge.

Thich Nhat Hanh
Guarding Knowledge is not a good way to understand. Understanding means to throw away your knowledge.

The emotional centers in the brain are wired for attachment. They are connected to the nervous system electrically. A hormonal immune system, with chemical messengers that travel to other organs; the brain reads what’s happening to the body. The gut has more neurons than the brain, and is sending messages continually to the brain. The gut feelings read the body language of a person. The heart also impacts our brain and physiology.

Many of us have been taught to override our gut feelings with what our intellect, our thoughts and conditioning have told us is more important to believe, when in fact there are plenty more neurons in the gut to bring that wealth of insight.

An infant picks up on signals of body language that translate emotions, with gestures, voice tones that attune them with the message. Even though they have not learned language, they can grasp the truth. He talks of the vast network of neurons connecting the brain, heart, gut, bones and immune system; more neurons are delivering messages from the gut and heart to the brain than the reverse.

Brain develops under the impact of the environment. Wiring the brain is a long-term trait, from a state of the brain to a habitual response. The pharmaceutical industry comes along and brings out pills that treat the symptoms, but do nothing for brain or psychological development. They just increase levels of hormones like dopamine, that has been diminished in the child due to stress. In fact Maté claims that these are not genetic disorders but the result of transgenerational transpersonal familial and cultural patterns are transferred from one generation to the next. One can’t blame a parent when in fact the parent is the result of how his or her parent were as a child. He mentions also Thich Nhat Khan interbeing.

Gabor Maté Attachment, Disease and Addition

In this shorter video on Attachment, Disease, and Addiction he mentions that though the classical Western worldview separates the body from the mind and the individual from the familial and social context, we need a cross disciplinary bio-psycho-social model. He talks of the fact that in traditional medicine, specialists study a type of cancer on a cellular level, yet are dramatically overlooking the obvious, that a cell lives inside a body, within a system relaying chemical, biological, emotional, psychological and social information. One can not separate the cell or the immune system from the stresses that may be occurring physically, socially and emotionally. Trying to understand the biology without understanding the psychological and social relationship is futile. “You can’t study cancer in a cell without seeing the whole relationship. It’s like studying a traffic jam by looking under the hood at the engine of a particular car.”

“When you live in a society that objectifies people, you have to ignore their fundamental emotional and spiritual needs. We live in a society with a pathology of normalcy. The ideological blinders that keep us from looking at the really simple realities of human relationship. Emotional denial serves a broad political and economic perspective, so that the mainstream culture focuses on diversions rather than genuine investigations, which threaten the very foundation of the society.”

One of the points Gabor Maté brings up in this second talk is how one can distance oneself from really seeing a situation, particularly if one is responding on an emotional level that contradicts what knowledge base they have been building.

• Thoughts are eclipsed by emotions.
• The better trained one is at looking at something through the intellectual scaffolding that they’ve built, the less open they are to new perspectives. They can remain shrouded by the intellect. When in fact the heart, gut and immune system of the body are constantly sending out messages.
• Meaning comes through an emotional response. In terms of addictive behavior, once you begin to ask why, you are already opening the door to find answers. That is, once you become aware.

pharmaceutical have nothing to do with it, it is nutrition and diet

Gregor describes that nutrition is what leads to health.

One of the crucial distinctions we have to begin making, is that what we eat is inseparable from our health or illness. Incredulously, the American Medical Association and other government health offices as well as the majority of medical schools across the country, do not even offer classes in nutrition, nor do doctors talk about the subject to their patients, as Dr. Michael Gregor points out in his talk. Doctors are seduced by pharmaceutical companies to hand out prescription medicine, yet not to talk about diet, when the food that people consume is the leading cause of death due to ‘impoverished’ diets.Dr. Michael Gregor talks of Food as Medicine.

Gregor talking about nutrition, specifically a plant-based diet

The movie “The Shift” put together by Collective Evolution, also talks about meaning conveyed through events that have a strong impact. They talk of 911 as one of the collective onsets of a shift in perspective. The old worldview of people as a commodity and as expendable, and view that the end justifies the means, just isn’t working any more.

The Collective Evolution III: The Shift | Official Release 2014, To change the state of our world, we have to change the state of consciousness that is within us.

The Collective Evolution III: The Shift | Official Release 2014

According to the Collective Evolution’s movie Shift:

“We’re seeing the disintegration of the old worldview and moving into a new one that hasn’t quite constellated yet, it’s been apparent as a growing movement; a political, economic, spiritual awakening, new thought paradigms, that starts with the self realization of looking fearlessly that embraces it.

What can we do?

1) continue learning, continue to research & spread the word to others.
2) vote with your dollars. use your money to show your support of the type of world you support; stop buying needlessly, organic and local foods, instead of industries that maintain this system
3) use the power of numbers; get together with others, join a cause, raise awareness to things that can reshape our world, having larger numbers shows the power that we hold over the elite
4) get together with those in your community to create change; community projects, get to know those around you, break down the illusion of barriers that create separation around us
5) opt out of the system in any way that you can; our system requires our participation and support to keep going; recognize the power that we have
6) start with you; reflect on your worldview and your consciousness; is the world you see today really the world you want to live in? we can think about why it is the way it is

The most suppressed technology is our higher consciousness

Our state of consciousness, or world view, needs to change in order to change the world.”

Donations for Carol Keiter’s writing, eBook, music composition and art, gratefully accepted!

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Carol Keiter contact

Carol Keiter contact

Young adult educational eBook | A Seahorse Tale – A Spin on the Matter of Motion

I believe this eBook will build enthusiasm and intrigue for multiple subjects, It is a science reference book, cloaked in a science fantasy adventure; replete with real science and resplendent illustrations; with graphs, charts and links for further investigation.

A Seahorse Tale – A Spin on the Matter of Motion

Young adult educational eBook for public, private, magnet, charter, cyber, home-schools, autism spectrum, experiential and expeditionary learning.

Here’s the trailer: https://spinonmatter.carbonmade.com/projects/4800092

I just decided to post this letter of introduction which I’m sending to Charter Schools, to each of my blogs, since perhaps someone who’s involved in education, eBook marketing and publishing, with an affiliation with Charter Schools or knows-how in marketing an educational eBook, to provide me with advice or send someone my way!

It’s not finished, but I thought I’d start with the back-end, or front-end, getting it out there.

…I’m looking for the appropriate person/department (academic materials, material acquisition) to market my eBook, which I believe will be of interest to students as an auxiliary learning tool.


A Seahorse Tale – A Spin on the Matter of Motion

Seahorse, spiraling, drawing, creativity, dreams, em field, electromagnetism, young adult textbook, educational ebook, A Seahorse Tale - A Spin on the Matter of Motion

“A Seahorse Tale – A Spin on the Matter of Motion” is a young adult educational eBook. Predominantly a physics textbook within a science fantasy tale; it depicts the spiraling nature of our universe in general and electromagnetism, in particular.

This science fantasy adventure involves a spiritual quest (no religious affiliation), full of art and science. The adventure involves the quest of a young woman and the characters she meets in her journey, into an upside-down world. Not really upside down, but a place affected by electromagnetism that has lower gravity levels as one climbs to this place. The people there, where the main character is journeying to, have a correspondingly intrinsic capacity of transparent thought. They are conscious of each others’ thoughts and consequently incapable of telling lies. Yet most of the story takes place as Adora journeys there – as there could be sequels!

Frankly, as of June 1st (almost two weeks since posting this), after editing and moving around information as well as researching and editing bibliography sources, the information below has been updated, and still is no longer current! Nevertheless, you get the gist of the contents! I’ve been working hard within a strict time limit – a really good thing.

Here are the first two pages of the Table of Contents (subject to change) but giving you a gist of the contents.


Young Adult educational ebook, A Seahorse Tale, A Spin on the Matter of Motion, TOC, Table of Contents, New Version, Carol Keiter

New 2020 Version of the TOC Table of Contents of Carol Keiter’s Young Adult educational ebook, A Seahorse Tale – A Spin on the Matter of Motion


1st page Table of Contents

1st page Table of Contents

2nd page Table of Contents

2nd page Table of Contents

The approximately 150 page eBook (Completion end of June, 2017), is designed to be read from beginning to end, or to be read in segments. Almost every page introduces a particular subject; including graphs, charts and links to further investigation of that topic. The online Table of Contents and Bibliography allow the reader to choose from various educational subjects, ranging from biology, climatology, and geography to physics, These scientific topics of inquiry are introduced as they arise in the story; with the inference that these hypothetical events in a fantastical environment, could actually transpire.

Here are a few pages of the bibliography, also subject to change. I’m using google docs in order to also alphabetize the bibliography by subject.

Bibliography created in google docs to feature alphabetical listing by subject.

Bibliography created in google docs to feature alphabetical listing by subject

Bibliography created in google docs to feature alphabetical listing by subject.

Adora & Vitali: A Spin on the Matter of Motion has a plethora of art accompanying the science links, providing the reader with the capability to further investigate a topic. It is a colorful and refreshing learning tool for students and adults. The eBook is a stepping stone of intrigue for subsequent exploration into a multitude of scientific topics.

character name meanings and association with elements

character name meanings and association with elements

I’m an independent contractor who has been writing two blogs since 2009, I’m particularly interested in environmental sustainability, renewable energy, (DIY) do-it-yourself practices to reduce one’s carbon footprint, reinvesting in the community and especially the topics of wildlife and animal habitat preservation. I participated in a 2 week educational forum about the environment in Paris, during the COP21 Climate Talks in Paris, http://www.placetob.org/en/ As a writer, artist, musician and composer, I have no umbrella organization presently supporting me financially. I welcome any suggestions you may have regarding the eBook world of publishing, as I have yet to approach any publishers. I can provide you with additional sections of the book to view its layout and presentation.

(720) 243-2953
PayPal: carolkeiter@gmail.com

ebook trailer:




art portfolio:

music composition:

Carol Keiter Contact card

Carol Keiter Contact card

PayPal Donate Button

Carol Keiter aka nomadbeatz welcomes donations for her writing, photography, illustrations, eBook & music composition!

Carol Keiter le_blogger, writer & illustrator, musician & composer

Carol Keiter le_blogger, writer & illustrator, musician & composer

The New Story | Sustainability | Capra & Luisi’s ‘Systemic View’ | Heart Dimension

Sustainability may not be widely discussed in the network news channels, as ‘action’ news stories often focus on human conflicts, disasters and economic problems of immediacy, rather than delving into long-term repercussions or solutions. Often one is not presented with situations from the standpoint of how you, the viewer, can potentially get involved and help to transform the situation.

In fact we have often received information, from the top-down, through a hierarchy of stations delivered by a few news networks, owned by a few individuals. However, even the new story, implies a new way of gleaning information; through social networks. This implies horizontal sharing of information which a person can actively investigate on their own, delving into sources of information that offer alternative views or by talking with one another, sharing ideas or even taking a walk in the woods to contemplate. So rather than being spoon-fed bits of information, it’s a process of actively investigating and sharing. In other words, thinking, for oneself.

You really Are What you Think.

Sustainable Man, A New Story of the People

Sustainable Man A New Story of the People

The “New Story of the People” is narrated breathfully by Charles Eisenstein; his story of ‘a more beautiful world’.

A New Story, being in service to something larger than yourself

A New Story being in service to something larger than yourself

With respect to the ‘Sustainable Human’, Eisenstein talks about how in the last hundred years science has been focused on dissecting and reducing things to their elemental parts in the quest to understand our universe and the matter which makes up our world. Yet during the scientific process, the influence of the subjective viewer has come to be understood as influencing the object of study. In the past, this would have been discounted as something that can not be empirically proven. As the Western World expands beyond its scientific rationalism and objectification of the world in the ‘Industrial Age’ into a new view of the web of connections through the discoveries during the ‘Information Age’, our definitions are changing. And these spill over from the scientific view of the universe, into parallel pursuits in other arenas, such as recognizing that there is really something to the wisdom traditions of Eastern spirituality and mysticism. A perspective that has been compatible to various indigenous people all over the planet for millennium.

Eisenstein metions that “A new paradigm has begun to evolve along with this scientific view that emerged out of physics; a paradigm which sees the universe not as discreet parts with everything distinctly separate, but as interconnected.”

paradigm shift of perception, from separateness to interconnectedness

We are in a paradigm shift of perception, that moves from separateness to interconnectedness

When I was younger, my interest in science as well as consciousness, spirituality and mysticism, drew me to read the book “The Tao of Physics ” written by the physicist Fritjof Capra.

Fritjof Capra, an Austrian-born American physicist, described in this book what the new sciences were disclosing, a completely new way of looking at the universe, particularly looking at the world from the scientist’s perspective of probing the smallest building blocks.

The Tao of Physics, Fritjof Capra

The Tao of Physics by Fritjof Capra

Capra went on to write together with biochemist Pier Luigi Luisi “The Systems View of Life: A Unifying Vision”. The authors mention that the book primarily deals with the question, “What is Life?”. Their years of research reveal that from bacteria, to cells, to organs, to living organisms from plants and insects to birds and mammals involve networks.

At the core of this paradigm shift, is a perception shift from ‘separateness’ to ‘interconnectedness’.

Rather than looking at isolated events or bodies within its skin or shell, the most obvious characteristic of life are the relationships among networks with other bacteria, cells and creatures as well as relationships between different species, organs and colonies of beings. Life of all kinds, is not a distinct entity which can merely be quantitatively measured and classified into a particular domain, but the very essence of life is a qualitative interconnection between others of its kind and the whole ecological system of relationships between different species.

The common thread of all life is that it is the network. the network is a pattern consistent through all of life, the network is a series of relationships. the science that describes this new perspective is called the ‘Systemic View’. Nature sustains itself in the sense that every organism, from a cell, to an organ, to a body, to the social nature of a species, to the planet itself is an autopoietic system that regenerates itself. This works because it is in a set of relationships within a network system.

Vita e Natura - Life and Nature - video intro of Fritjof Capra and Pier Luigi Luisi's book - The Systems View of Life A Unifying Vision

Vita e Natura – Life and Nature – video intro of Fritjof Capra and Pier Luigi Luisi’s book – The Systems View of Life A Unifying Vision

Here is an “essay excerpted from The Systems View of Life: A Unifying Vision”, presented on the (CEL) website Center for Ecoliteracy, which Capra co-founded.

Capra and Luisi argue “that many of the most important problems we face today – from financial instability to climate change and ecological degradation – reflect our collective inability to appreciate just how the world operates as a holistic, networked system in which every part depends on every other. This is something that can be approached and healed, from the systemic view. We need to live in a way that allows the planet itself to regenerate itself naturally. This leads us to consciousness of ecological sustainability and the intent to build and live in sustainable communities.

You are not distinct from Nature, You Are Nature

This New Story is all about sustainability: the capacity for human individuals and societies to live in a way that reduces the amount of the earth’s resources that they use, to a level that is compatible with the earth’s ability to regenerate itself and maintain a healthy balance.

This recognition of life as a network of relationships that are holistically healthy and regenerative only insofar as each of the interconnected parts are, as articulated in the Systemic View of life, is beginning to emerge in all different aspects of human relationships, as something to aspire to.

• in the individual – recognizing that we are as healthy and strong and happy only insofar as other members of the human community are also compatibly accessing education and opportunities as well as healthy environments
• in the cohesion of the human social community – in which cooperation rather than competition, diversity in participation and sharing between disciplines and groups is a healthy circulatory system
• in the realm of health – towards new ways of gardening and farming as well as the recognition of health sustaining nutrients inherent in foods and spices
• in emotional well-being – bringing the mind and the body into an interactive balance of movement and stillness; movement for healthy circulation, stillness to allow oneself to connect to that dimension which is beyond our immediate focus
• in spiritual continuity – recognizing that diversity is the spice of life; homogeneity breeds incestuous, narrow-mindedness and stagnation
• in economic behavior – towards openness & transparency, collaboration, horizontal sharing of ownership and the subsequent democratization of wealth
• in political systems – the more open and transparent the governing representatives, the more trust and mutual consensus for what is relevant and important in the fabric of existence; which includes humans, a healthy environment and relationship with all species

Diversity is healthy, whereas homogeneity breeds incestuous narrow-mindedness.

The New Story has evolved as our stories about ourselves, and the place of the human being in the world evolves.

You really Are what you Believe.

Ego vs Eco | Ecological Thinking for Business Transformation | The Nature of Business

Ego vs Eco | Ecological Thinking for Business Transformation | The Nature of Business

The premise of the organization “Ecological Thinking for Business Transformation” is that our perception of reality and our worldview has been outdated. “We are witnessing a change in business paradigm from one suited for the industrial era to one suited for the interconnected era.”

In 1995, the physicist Fritjof Capra together with the philanthropist Peter Buckley and think tank director Zenobia Barlow, founded the Center for Ecoliteracy with the intent of sharing the awareness of the systemic view with students, through a series of educational programs that support ecological principles and systems thinking to curricula and projects in habitat restoration, school gardens and cooking classes, partnerships between schools and farms and curricular innovation among K12 schools. Among other things, the center helps to develop projects in habitat restoration, school gardens and cooking classes and partnerships between schools and farms, with the awareness that health begins with a healthy diet.

You really Are what you Eat.

Ecoliteracy dot org Education for Sustainable Living

Ecoliteracy dot org Education for Sustainable Living

Frijof Capra says that he has studied agroecology or regenerative agriculture.
Agroecology or agroforestry combines; forestry, agriculture and livestock. It is beyond sustainable, it is actually regenerative.

Jeremy Wickremer’s mentions in his article for The Ecologist Connecting the Dots: the Big Permaculture Picture ”Just like you need a holistic vision for a healthy mind and body, the same applies for a healthy planet. One way of living that seeks to do this is permaculture. To put it simply, permaculture is agricultural and social design principles centered around simulating or directly utilizing the patterns and features observed in natural ecosystems. It is a design system that mimics nature, where everything in the design supports everything else.”

Syntropyc, Regenerative Agriculture, Ernst Götsch

Syntropyc Regenerative Agriculture, Ernst Götsch

In terms of sustainable and regenerative agriculture, Agroforestry is land use management system in which trees or shrubs are grown around or among crops or pastureland. It’s another example of replenishing the environment with nutrients and water, without needing chemicals or pesticides. This encourages growth in biodiversity and is healthier for farmers.

Besides the growth of food and the reflection of these sustainable practices on all of the other creatures with whom we share our planet, there are plenty of business solutions that are as well following this New Story, emulating what already clearly works in nature. One group is “Ecological Thinking for Business Transformation” also speak of the “out-dated worldview, a perception of reality inadequate for dealing with the volatile and globally interconnected business world.”

Having attended the “People and Planet First” conference in September of 2015 presented by the (IPS) Institute for Policies Studies in Baltimore, Maryland, the panelists also talked of a “New Story“. Among the speakers were Annie Leonard “The Story of Stuff by Annie Leonard” and historian and political economist Gar Alperovitz who mentioned that though this new stream of activity towards cooperative business and horizontally-shared ownership is happening in discrete communities all over the United States, it isn’t being consciously driven, yet.

Eisenstein, in his Sustainable Man video about The New Story, talks of stepping out of this paradigm of control and allowing oneself to be of service to this larger body of which we all are a part. And that as we direct our questions and intent to ask what we can do to serve having a healthier body, mind, well-being, community and world, that indeed, the answers and direction will arise in response to the intention.

step from paradigm of control, ask how you can serve, and the opportunities will arise

When you feel that you are here in service, and bow to that, opportunities will arise to allow you to act on that intention.

Besides the rational means of digesting information, there is the whole realm of the invisible. I’ll call it the domain of the heart. Herein lies the capacity of a person to intuit something and feel whether the information is in alignment with the words. A person can sense whether they feel good around a person, or uneasy. A person can have an impression beyond the rational, about whether the words of another person seem to convey the same as their gestures, or whether something is not quite in synch. One can sense whether something they read or see feels accurate and sound, or whether there is something amiss. Many animals can sense with a heightened capacity – with sense organs much more highly tuned to frequencies beyond those of human beings – to see, hear, detect movements and subtle alternations in the environment.

I mention the heart literally and figuratively as a metaphor. The heart is the central organ in the body – lets just talk about human beings – that is consistently circulating oxygen, nutrients and carrying away wastes throughout the body. The heart pumping station, is also by its nature generating an electromagnetic field which is larger than that produced by the brain. The heart also has a complex system of neurons, cells that are consistently transmitting information to the rest of the body. When the heart is in synch in the individual with feelings of joy and love, this invisible field expands. When an individual is more channeled into negative emotions of fear and anger, this field constricts.

Every Small Gesture Has Significance

The perception of the heart has everything to do with the health of all of the other organs of our body, of individual health in general, of the health of societies, permeating into healthy relationships with other organisms and with the health of the earth, which is an organism just as we are.

The heart is also metaphorically an organ of connection with others. Besides wonder, exuberance, joy and gratitude that a person can feel within him or herself, the words love, compassion and empathy typically imply a connection with another.

no external universe, every action we do, we do  to ourselves

And as we begin to take tiny actions that follow the logic of the heart – which knows that each act is significant – the logic of the mind of the older world begins to be replaced. This power of repetition which can physically build muscles, is what occurs mentally, neurologically. Each time you think differently, you are rewiring your brain. This concept called Neuroplasticity has to do with the brain’s ability to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections throughout life. This rewiring allows the neurons (nerve cells) in the brain to compensate for injury and disease and to adjust their activities in response to new situations or to changes in their environment.

My introduction into the wisdom of the heart probably began through readings of Deepak Chopra. A physician and author, meditation guide and founder of the Chopra Center; who introduced this awareness that has been understood for Millenia in various Eastern spiritual traditions, of the effectiveness of meditation and this connection to the vast unknown dimension of energy. Chopra has teamed more recently with Oprah Winfrey to bring this domain of the spirit, of tapping into the hidden world of energy through stillness and meditation.

I then was introduced to the practice of ‘Heart Rhythm meditation’ which purports a harmonious and healing relationship within oneself and the universe beyond, through simply aligning the rhythm of one’s breathing to the rhythm of one’s heart beat. It is a practice introduced to the West by a Sufi Hazrat inayat Khan who descended from Pashtuns, an ethnic group originally from Afghanistan and Pakistan. This meditation practice was brought to me by a certified AMA physician who understands the multidimensional healing that this practice provides – from reducing stress, to lowering blood pressure, creating a more harmonious heart rate and allowing oneself to access in this stillness, the domain of energy that stretches way beyond the physical heart and body.

It was in this meditative state that I posed questions regarding what I can do of service, which sent me through a leap of faith to Paris during the COP21 Climate talks to the Place to B, an integration of lectures, workshops, panel discussions and barrage of information sharing, attended by 600 people from 40 countries. This sharing of information about climate change and sustainable alternatives took place simultaneously with the COP21 Climate Talks. The Place to B: Place to Brief was conceived of and founded by the journalist and author Anne-Sophie Novel and the director of production Nicolas Bienvenue. They were surrounded by a team of people who coordinated the continuous flurry of learning events and entertainment, with a tremendous group of visiting presenters, entrepreneurs and activists who each delivered their scintillating information and testimonies of successes and inspirational savvy from all corners of the world. 600 people representing 40 countries arrived in Paris to participate in what the Place to B/Place to Brief offered; alternative media, a collective with presentations, speakers and workshops, panel discussions and music and yoga and meditation workshops all happening at one central location throughout the two week duration of the Climate Talks.

One of the workshops I attended was the Transformational Media Summit : Storytelling and Media for a Better World. The New Story summit was hosted by Jeremy Wickremer, co-founder of Transformational Media Initiative In his presentation, Jeremy Wickremer spoke of the fact that each of us are potentially change-agents, with the capacity to do actions that can have a big impact on the environment – our own lives, our communities and the larger environment. And that what is more potent than merely drawing up solutions from a logical methodology, is to start with the right questions, which prompts creativity in itself. Specifically, he mentioned that your intention – within the guise of a question – will often be answered. He more recently wrote in an article “Our Invisible World” about the fact that many things which steer human behavior, emotions, health, psychological and spiritual well-being have to do with the energy that lies beneath the actions. And that the common illnesses which affect modern man and the crisis of violence that threat human cultures, have to do with a disconnect. This disconnect is within our own selves, our patterns and habits of how we live our lives. There is a disconnect within ourselves, among one another and that humans have with other creatures and nature; which is presently resulting in the greatest magnitude of habitat destruction, dissemination of species and global ecological balances and health.

The biggest disharmony of all is perhaps our relationship with the natural world.

Daniel Goleman is the psychologist, science journalist and author of “Emotional Intelligence”. He posits that non-cognitive skills can matter as much as a person’s I.Q. (Intelligence Quotient) for workplace success in “Working with Emotional Intelligence”. In 2007, Goleman wrote about “Social Intelligence” and in 2009, “Ecological Intelligence: How Knowing the Hidden Impacts of What We Buy Can Change Everything

So called ‘primitive people’, without having had the use of technological tools that more ‘advanced’ civilizations have had at their disposal and for their distraction, have had thousands of years of penetration into the invisible world that the modern Western world has only been starting to grasp is in the last 50 years. And with the spiritual and emotional well-being deficit that modern man has come to feel, this dis-ease of the human spirit, disconnect with oneself, growing obesity, growing psychological disorders and reliance on quick-fixes such as pharmaceuticals, and growing disharmony and feelings of isolation, have reached towards and cherished many ancient traditions that have evolved in the Eastern World to ease their dis-ease and treat their disharmony with something more than a quick fix of treating the symptoms instead of the disorder. They have reached towards practices of meditation, yoga, t’ai chi and walking into nature and silence, with a visceral understanding that these practices have short and long term benefits.

Listening to Intuition is the Wisdom of the Heart.

There is so much we can do, and we do have the ability to consciously act towards sustainability.

Many little voices make a tremendous noise, and many little gestures, create big changes.

Rearrangement of my blogs | Alan Lightman’s “Change Is the Only Constant” |

I have maintained two blogs since 2006, uh hum, for which I gain no income. Despite objections and conciliatory accusations that ‘you can’t make money on a blog’, in the shared consensus that one’s worth and place in society is based on ‘the capacity to earn money’ and ‘monetize’, I continue, to write my blogs.

Not to rebel, but merely in Joseph Campbell‘s words, to ‘follow your bliss’. In my case that involves feeding my curiosity.

Follow Your Bliss and the universe will open doors for you, where there were only walls.

Follow Your Bliss and doors will open for you, which were formerly walls.

To bring a little more clarity to readers, I’m rearranging a few things, in attempts to define each blog more clearly. Simply plucking a few topics, to place in their forthcoming homes. Yes, I’m somewhat ‘writing out loud’. Ultimately, at times the edges blur as topics from one bleed over into the other. However, I’ll start with this.

The carolkeiter blog will post along with hitchabouts, human interest stories, arts and entertainment, that have a more emotional appeal…Interestingly, clicks googling i guess, ‘naked men’, have brought many to my san francisco hitchabout blog, in which one photograph is listed as just that. hmmm, yes, sex sells. Perhaps I’ll have to monetize that theme!

The digesthis blog will maintain the themes of consciousness, environmental and animal rights information and science, with a leaning towards theoretical physics. Not because I’m a scientist or mathematician, but because my fascination lies there – and ironically it comes back full circle to consciousness. luminous_ braided_spiraling_mythic

So I’ll be reposting as I make this shift.

B e r l i n s t r e e t s e r i e s | m u s i c | R o t a t i o n S t r a s s e n M u s i k 2013


Berlin Art Week | ABC Art Berlin Contemporary party | 19th September


Berlin Art Week | Grand Opening 9/17/13 on August Straße | 6 days, 21 venues


B e r l i n s t r e e t s e r i e s / s a t i r i c a l s t e n c i l g r a f f i t i > f e a t A l i a s


B e r l i n s t r e e t s e r i e s / s a t i r i c a l s t e n c i l d a p p e r d e s i g n


UTNE Reader‘s reprint of Alan Lightman’s article in the Tin House
September/October 2012 Change Is the Only Constant

Alan Lightman is a novelist, essayist, and physicist, with a PhD in theoretical physics from Harvard University.

Excerpted from his article:

We search for human immortality and eternal youth, and pray to everlasting gods, but in the universe as in life, change is the only constant.

Change Is the Only Constant

Change Is the Only Constant

“Oblivious to our human yearnings for permanence, the universe is relentlessly wearing down, falling apart, driving itself toward a condition of maximum disorder.” Sandra Dieckmann

I don’t know why we long so for permanence, why the fleeting nature of things so disturbs. With futility, we cling to the old wallet long after it has fallen apart. We visit and revisit the old neighborhood where we grew up, searching for the remembered grove of trees and the little fence. We clutch our old photographs. In our churches and synagogues and mosques, we pray to the everlasting and eternal. Yet, in every nook and cranny, nature screams at the top of her lungs that nothing lasts, that it is all passing away.

Consider the world of living things. Why can’t we live forever? The life cycles of amoebas and humans are, as everyone knows, controlled by the genes in each cell. While the raison d’être of the majority of genes is to pass on the instructions for how to build a new amoeba or human being, an important fraction of genes concerns itself with supervising cellular operations and replacing worn-out parts.

In fact, most of our body cells are constantly being sloughed off, rebuilt, and replaced to postpone the inevitable.

Over its 4.5-billion-year history, our own planet has gone through continuous upheavals and change. The primitive earth had no oxygen in its atmosphere. Huge landmasses splintered and glided about on deep tectonic plates. Then plants and photosynthesis leaked oxygen into the atmosphere.

Buddhists have long been aware of the evanescent nature of the world. Annica, or impermanence, they call it. But even Buddhists believe in something akin to immortality. It is called Nirvana. A person reaches Nirvana after he or she has managed to leave behind all attachments and cravings, endured countless trials and reincarnations, and finally achieved total enlightenment.

Although there is much that we do not understand about nature, the possibility that it is hiding a condition or substance so magnificent and utterly unlike everything else seems too preposterous for me to believe.

Perhaps with the proper training of my unruly mind and emotions, I could refrain from wanting things that cannot be.

Perhaps I could accept the fact that in a few short years, my atoms will be scattered in wind and soil, my mind and thoughts gone, my pleasures and joys vanished, I-ness dissolved in an infinite cavern of nothingness. But I cannot accept that fate, even though I believe it to be true. I cannot force my mind to go to that dark place.

Suppose I ask a different kind of question: if against our wishes and hopes, we are stuck with mortality, does mortality grant a beauty and grandeur all its own? Even though we struggle and howl against the brief flash of our lives, might we find something majestic in that brevity? Could there be a preciousness and value to existence stemming from the very fact of its temporary duration?


Keep your thoughts positive, because they become your words.
Keep your words positive, because they become your behavior.
Keep your behavior positive, because it becomes your habits.
Keep your habits positive, because they become your values.
Keep your values positive, because they become your destiny.
Mahatma Ghandi

The gravity of the Electric Universe Theory | 99.99% is Plasma |

I recently heard of the theory of the electric a.k.a. plasma universe, and was compelled to explore it. Soon I realized that there’s a bit of not sibling rivalry, but a charged distinction between the two. It’s as if one begets the other. “The Electric Universe is a variant of Plasma Cosmology” and it is necessary to differentiate between the two. Whereas they share more similarities than differences, EU ideas tend to go a step further. For example, the authors of “Plasma Cosmology & Electric Universe Theory” clarify that in EU theory: The magnetic fields we see in space are created by ionized plasma which is electrically conductive. Large electrical currents flow through space plasma, which can ultimately explain observations that are currently attributed to things such as black holes or dark matter. Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) studying the Van Allen Radiation Belts (RBSP) mention; The standard Law of Gravity relies exclusively on the masses of celestial bodies and the distances between them…Yet nearly 90% of the mass necessary to account for the observed motion is missing. That something which is missing, the Electric Universe theory has the answer to; the missing component is electricity, in a visible universe within which 99.999% is plasma.

It appears that the history books have been leaning towards one point of view, so as to not disrupt the popular consensus. The physicist Wallace Thornhill proclaims that the concepts of black holes and dark matter are ‘virtual possibilities’ contrived through the complex mathematical equations of theoretical physicists, to explain the ‘black holes’ in their theories. Listening to his presentation about the electrical nature of the universe in Thunderbolts of the Gods, Thornhill introduces us to the electrical properties of things and what lead him to his conclusions and presents his ideas of the elegant simplicity of the electrical universe. And in this digitized article about the electrical nature of gravity in holoscience, he makes his case. Regarding this rift in the culture of western science, Thornhill stresses that the current school of thought favoring Einstein’s principles of gravity and space-time, has lead us in the wrong direction.

A number of scientists who performed experiments to empirically demonstrate their theories about the electrical nature of the universe, had results which were decidedly, impertinent. They bucked the popular understanding of the time; Einstein’s theories of relativity published in 1916 (based on Newton’s 17th century principles of universal gravitation) designated gravity as a property of space-time, holding the solar system together. And that nothing goes faster than the speed of light. Yet allegedly, even Einstein wasn’t fully convinced of the air-tightness of his own theories.

Nikola Tesla was one of the people whose theories tore at the popular beliefs of the time. A contemporary of Einstein, their ideas were in competition. One of his inventions around 1891, was the Tesla coil, an electrical resonant transformer circuit.

Ampère’s discoveries back in the 1820’s, also threatened the status quo years later. SHOULD THE LAW OF GRAVITY BE REPEALED?
 The Suppressed Electrodynamics of Ampère-Gauss-Weber written by Laurence Hecht. Ampère’s new science ‘electrodynamics’, declared that the force between the elements was not simply dependent on the inverse square of their distance of separation (gravity) but in addition, depended on the angles which these infinitesimal, directional elements made with the line connecting their centers, and with each other.

It was Kristian Birkeland, a Norwegian scientist, in his experiments back in the 19th century which lead to the eventual study of plasma physics and recognition in the 1950’s of the fourth state of matter, plasma.

Besides solids, liquids and gases, the fourth state of matter is plasma. Plasma is an ionized or charged gas, into which sufficient energy is provided to free electrons from atoms or molecules and to allow both species (ions and electrons) to coexist. In effect a plasma is a cloud of protons, neutrons and electrons, in which all the electrons have come loose from their respective molecules and atoms, giving the plasma the ability to act as a whole rather than as a bunch of atoms.

Birkeland’s research into the phenomenon of the Aurora borealis lead to proposing that this was an electromagnetic occurrence. His results lead to detecting for the first time a global pattern of electric currents in the polar region from ground magnetic field measurements. Extending the discovery of Telluric currents – electrical currents running along the earth’s crust and oceans to the Birkeland currents in the Earth’s magnetosphere, which are driven by the solar wind, the interplanetary magnetic field and by bulk motions of plasma through the magnetosphere (convection which is indirectly driven by the interplanetary environment).

Electricity is apparent throughout the universe, it has been identified beneath our feet, in animals and plants, throughout our biosphere (including the lithosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere) and to the furthest reaches of the Universe. Electricity is present wherever there is plasma. Plasmas are the most common state of matter in the universe, comprising more than 99% of our visible universe, most of which is not visible. Plasma occurs naturally and makes up the stuff of our sun, the core of stars and occurs in quasars, x-ray beam emitting pulsars, and supernovas.

On earth, plasma is naturally occurring in flames, lightning and the auroras. This plasma state is a magnetic field in which electric currents are everywhere. The galaxies are connected by huge electric currents flowing through the universe. Most space plasmas have a very low density, for example the Solar Wind which averages only 10 particles per cubic-cm. Inter-particle collisions are unlikely – hence these plasmas are termed collisionless.

In a former model, the sun was perceived as a burning fire in the sky; a nuclear fusion from a source within itself, that will eventually burn out. The electric universe theory, however, sees the sun as receiving energy from the rest of the universe. The sun, as a typical star, is a focus for that energy.

Solar electricity is revealed as solar flares produce current loops.

When viewing sun spots, the center is dark. If the sun is radiating energy from its core into space, then why are the center of the sun spots – where you can see deepest into the sun – the darkest and coldest places? If the center of the sun is a “nuclear fusion furnace”, (hydrogen to helium fusion), this should be the hottest. The umbra, the center of the sun spots, is dark, revealing that the sun is electrical in nature.

This diagram reveals that the sun’s surface temperature is 6,000 K, whereas the corona is 2,000,000 degrees K. The corona is an electrical phenomena. The electric model says that the energy is arriving from outside the sun, where particle acceleration occurs.

The particles in a solar wind, increase in velocity with increasing distance. They accelerate with increasing velocity, the faster they move away from the sun. These are charged particles; an electrical process. Put a charged particle in an electric field, and it will accelerate.

During the day using a solar filter, one can see the electromagnetic activity of our own Sun tossing immensely hot filaments of plasma into space. We can demonstrate the existence of these currents that flow between galaxies and stars by the presence of the magnetic fields they generate. Magnetic fields are generated by electric currents.

With bigger telescopes, like Hubble, astronomers can see intricately arrayed Birkeland currents winding through planetary nebulae. The heart of our galaxy is brightly lit in a sparkling electromagnetic rainbow driven by powerful electrical currents carried on intergalactic transmission lines.

“The Universe is not an abstract mathematical construct of dark matter halos, black hole singularities or geometrically perfect neutron stars. It is filled with electric currents flowing through chaotically beautiful filaments, which can not so easily be captured in linear differential equations.”

Plasma cosmology is officially recognized by the largest professional organization in the world, the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE), while big bang cosmologists ignore it. And having just perused the Los Alamos National Laboratory website I’m realizing that in fact, this theory has already been going strong with some. Reading Timothy Eastman’s quote, I realize that rather than referring to this as the electric universe theory, it’s more appropriately called the plasma universe!

Plasma is scalable over an enormous number of magnitudes! My other blog references several mind-expanding journeys, put together by various sources at different time periods about the scalability of the universe by the power of 10; revealing its immense size in the macro and micro, in X ten jumps. This image of a plasma lamp displays its properties.

The electrical nature of the universe is further corroborated, as studies of the comet Hales demonstrate its electrical properties.
Typically it occurs as a double braided current in the small scale, as in the image of an electrical discharge produced in a laboratory.

As Thunderbolts of the Gods describes, the ancient symbols in different lands correspond to a description of Venus as a comet. Venus’ tail (flux ropes). Meteoroids are electrically charged due to cosmic rays, solar UV, solar wind. Therefore, the stringy things coming from Venus’s tail reveal that Venus was a comet in ancient times, confirming an electrical model because plasmic currents flow in streams. The various symbols – serpent or dragon, long haired star or gleaming serpent biting its tail – were all describing the structure of a high energy plasma discharge.

The brightness of the dust, on impact of the comet, was finely divided dust. An electrical discharge on a surface will release a very finely divided material, a dust. This is the technique used to sputter fine metals to create astronomical mirrors.

The physicist Wallace Thornbill expresses, that he came to a flash realization while attending a conference in the United States in which David Talbott was showing slides of similar symbols from cultures all over the planet, and realized that these images were in fact, electric discharges, which when

scaled to the size of a galaxy, you see the same structures.

And that this symbolism in many cultures, described an event which occurred in the sky. The language of a comet and language of Venus is the same. A comet is a charged object moving through an electric field, in which the Comet nuclei and dust are charged electrostatically. Comet plasma tails, generate magnetic fields and electric currents. What brought the disciplines together, was the discovery of the similarities between early symbolism which were part of myths all over the planet, to the electric nature of the universe.

The Swedish electrical engineer and plasma physicist, Hannes Alfvén argued in 1937, “that if plasma pervaded the universe, it could then carry electric currents capable of generating a galactic magnetic field. After winning the Nobel Prize for his works in magnetohydrodynamics, he emphasized that: In order to understand the phenomena in a certain plasma region, it is necessary to map not only the magnetic but also the electric field and the electric currents. Space is filled with a network of currents which transfer energy and momentum over large or very large distances. The currents often pinch to filamentary or surface currents. The latter are likely to give space, as also interstellar and intergalactic space, a cellular structure.”

His theoretical work on field-aligned electric currents in the aurora (based on earlier work by Kristian Birkeland) was confirmed by satellite observations, in 1974, resulting in the discovery of Birkeland currents. From the first 1820 breakthrough hypothesizing the origin of magnetism in microscopic electrical currents, the Ampère electrodynamics was seen as a means of gaining insight into the microphysical domain.

Thornhill further argues that, “The enormously complex task of adducing the atomic structure from such indirect evidence as that provided by spectroscopy, came to an abrupt, abnormal halt about the time of the 1927 Solvay conference, where Bohr’s great oversimplification of atomic structure was imposed by political thuggery of the worst sort. Here again, we come to the importance of a virtually unknown aspect of Weber’s work.

The point here is best summarized by reference to the last two of the memoirs, published in Weber’s lifetime, under the title Elektrodynamische Maassbestimmungen (Determinations of Electrodynamic Measure). The 1870 memoir, available in English, was the first to come to this writer’s attention, about a decade ago.

Alfvén’s successor, Anthony Perratt of Los Alamos Laboratories, using particle-in-cell computer simulations, has demonstrated the evolution of galactic structures under the influence of electric currents. Peratt’s work contributing to our current view of the plasma universe can be viewed at the Los Alamos government laboratory website on the subject. Through the “pinch effect”, parallel currents converge to produce spiraling structures.”

In “Electric Gravity in an Electric Universe”, Thornhill parlays where the Einstein school diverged, when it moved in the direction of theoretical mathematics. “We missed a chance to include electricity in astronomy in the early 1900s. Birkeland was performing his electrical ‘little Earth,’ or Terrella, experiments in Norway, and Gauss and Weber were discovering the electrical interactions of matter.” The mathematical physicist Carl Friedrich Gauss at Göttingen University, wrote a paper introducing the magnetometer in 1832, substantiating Ampère’s theories; advancing into current studies of Magnetics. He goes on to say that, “Today, physicists labour under misconceptions about the nature of matter and space; the relationship between matter, mass and gravity; the electrical nature of stars and galaxies; and the size, history and age of the universe. So when astrophysicists turn to particle physicists to solve their intractable problems and particle physicists use it as an excuse for squandering billions of dollars on futile experiments, neither party recognizes that the other discipline is in a parlous state. Science seems to have taken a wrong turn about this time. After three hundred years of progressively simplifying the description of the universe, with fewer entities and simpler laws, it suddenly turned the other way, with complexity and entities multiplying like rabbits.”

In “Electric Gravity in an Electric Universe” Thornhill describes Ralph Sansbury’s electrical theory of magnetism and gravity, which he finds the most palatable; subatomic particles as resonant systems of orbiting smaller electric charges, in which the transfer of energy between the subtrons in their orbits, within the classical electron radius, must be resonant and near instantaneous for them to be stable.”

Thornhill says “It’s ironic that such a model requires the electric force between the charges to operate incomparably faster than the speed of light, in order that the electron remain a coherent particle.” Further justifying him to demand that “Einstein’s special theory of relativity, that prohibits signaling faster than light, must be repealed.”

Thornhill’s postulates that “the crucial difference between the near-infinite speed of the electric force and the relative dawdle of light on any cosmic scale, is that the electric force is longitudinal, while light is an oscillating transverse signal moving slowly through a medium.” His theory resonates with me, and the near-infinite speed of the electrical force lays this paradigm, in which the instantaneous transmission of information between minds, ‘makes sense’. Several of my hitchabout journals toy with a way to explain instantaneous information transfer; wherein ESP, intuition and synchronistic phenomena exist in a kind of holographic dimension. Perhaps there’s a plasma transmission of resonant meaning patterns! Jeremy Narby talks about the transmission of knowledge from plants, through his research as an anthropologist.

Here’s a diagram of a plasma bowl consisting of twin braided filaments. Nature finds it efficient to transmit energy by twisting / braiding two twin filaments together

Plasma carries electric currents in space as the filamentary structures in stars, galaxies and in comets.

On the microscopic level as well, nature employs the most efficient method for transmitting energy, in the braided spirals of DNA

The gods must not be that crazy after all.

The Universe | a Multiverse of | Parallel Universes |

Let me start this all over again. I looked at this blog last evening, horrified, well astonished anyway, at the grammatical errors that I saw beaming out at me in just the first sentences, corrected these immediately and went on writing into the early morning, to wake up to look at the same mistakes beaming back at me. Somehow all the edits I wrote, ‘updated’ and subsequently previewed, vanished – despite the alleged ‘autosave’ feature. The process of researching and writing this has started to spin off into hours, upon hours of multi-verses ‘-))

The scientific pop-culture video which I watched in 2008, for which I referenced the various scientists featured in the production at the end of this blog, has since been taken ‘off the air’. However, embedded within this blog, Curiosity: Parallel Universes – Are They Real ? are a series of videos on the same subject – Parallel Universes – produced by the Discovery Channel, the History Channel, National Geographic and the BBC. The top one half-way down the page features a 42 minute video narrated by Morgan Freeman, produced by the Discovery Channel in 2011. It communicates the subject clearly to the lay person, describing the statistical likelihood that we don’t just live in one uni-verse, but in an infinite expansion of many universes, or a mulitverse of parallel universes. The patterns repeat, infinitely. Here is more information on the subject multiverse. One scientist, Andre Linde describes the inflation cosmology theory. However another physicist, Paul Steinhart has a different view. He imagines an additional fourth spatial dimension to our three-dimensional world, which is separate by only a very thin membrane; a separate, parallel universe that doesn’t actually interact with ours. The theory is called the Brane cosmology.

The producers elicit that the mathematical calculations of theoretical physicists – who describe the infinitesimally small world of microscopic particles – and cosmologists – whose scope is the infinitely large one of the cosmos and its origins, project a world that goes beyond the 3 dimensions of time and space (width, length and depth), to one of 11 dimensions. And both describe this exciting world of vibrating membranes, on the microscopic and cosmic level.

In particle physics, theoretical physicists describe the movements of electrons and quarks within atoms, as being 1-dimensional lines, or vibrating “strings”, the oscillating movement distinguishing them from being 0-dimensional objects. The successive different versions of String theory have expanded into M-theory, referring to vibrating membranes. M-theory is an extension of string theory involving 11 dimensions.

In fact, M theory explains how the tiniest and the largest things in the universe function. Scientists looking at how the universe was formed and how it’s shaped, propose an origin describing super-sized membranes colliding with each other, producing an expansion of bubbles, each containing universes expanding in the bulk. It proposes that among a myriad of membranes, our universe is tethered to just one membrane wall.

You can read more about “Bubble Collisions in the very early universe“.

These giant walls of energetic matter, separate universes, float side by side, like huge sheets in the bulk/hyperspace. The membranes can be very close to each other, perhaps just a millimeter apart. An entire universe can be attached to a brain, or a universe can occupy the whole of another one. Look, I’m not making this up, I’m perhaps a bit sloppily mashing the concepts together, because indeed, I’m not a physicist nor a mathematician, but someone intellectually and emotionally interested in the subject matter!

Physicists realize that to make sense of everything, Einstein’s principles of gravity in unison with quantum mechanics, the universe must exist in 11 dimensions. 6 or 7 of them in all probability are very tiny, and exist right in front of us.

Among the different interpretations of parallel universes; level 1 describes that statistically, duplicate universes must exist, but would be so far away that the light would never reach us for us to be able to detect them. Level 2 describes replica universes, separated from us in time and space. In the level 3 parallel universe, duplicates exist right here, right now, present in the exact same space and time, but undetectable by us because they are in a different dimension; among which there are an infinite number of them – in the many worlds theory. One small quantum difference could separate you from an entire universe, where there are multiple copies of yourself.

In the world of quantum mechanics, electrons have been detected to appear, then disappear, and can be in multiple places at the same time. This is the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. Just as electrons can exist in several places at the same time, so can these parallel universes. Parallel universes occupy the same space, in a different dimension.

Scientists at Fermi Lab are looking for these extra dimensions, through smashing microscopic particles together at super speeds in large particle accelerators. They say that the smoking gun (scientific evidence that is highly suggestive in favor of the hypothesis) is gravity, a very weak force. The particles that carry gravity are called gravitons. Physicists look for the disappearance of gravitons during the collision of particles, indicating that they’ve slipped off to another dimension.

As I watched this video, taking screen grabs and also sound clips (as I am producing a new song called “string_to_m_theory”, as I was saving the second last file regarding multiple.universes 2, two sound clips shot out so that suddenly there were two simultaneous windows, saving the same sound clip, at the same time. Then when I got to this place in the video which I wanted specifically to record the physicist, Max Tegmark of MIT making a statement, in order to loop it, the computer spun out a second window of the same video, so that now two were playing at the same time, which was captured in that 2_mutiple.universe.mp3 clip. Weird!

What scientists theorize, is that these passageways, bridges or portals between different dimensions, are what are called worm holes, or “Einstein-Rosen Bridges”, since it was Albert Einstein and his colleague in 1935 who first conceptualized these hypothetical features in spacetime, as shortcuts, from one dimension to another.

Though it may be theoretically impossible for a human being to survive moving through a wormhole, the biggest problem is that you wouldn’t know where you might wind up. One idea that scientists have, is that if this wormhole is microscopic in size, they could build an atom-sized nanobot (in the realm of nanotechnology, a microscopic-sized robot), to carry the DNA of the human species with it, to seed another dimension, just as the seeds from trees pollinate the area around them carried by the wind. Scientists believe that if a future high-tech generation were able to create enough energy – such as by focusing numerous high-powered laser beams to the same point – that this enormous concentration of energy (Planck’s constant) could burn a hole into the fabric of spacetime, to induce a wormhole. Enormous energy concentrated at a single point could cause space and time itself to become unstable, causing little bubbles to form.

Bubbles which are gateways or portals to other universes. In other words, they would be playing God.

The physicists who were being interviewed for this documentary.


For your information: I’m currently writing a book (under the guise of a Children’s book, yet for teenagers on up ‘-), in which I’m incorporating basic physics concepts into the tale. A quest of two characters’ towards reaching this utopian place. I then intend to create an e-book, in which music compositions will accompany the text and illustrations. I’m a bit daunted, yet somehow these various blogs I’ve been involved in are ultimately part of the research. I’ve decided to not yet make the title public!

Spring Solstice ’11 Hitchabout | There are No accidents |

It’s taken a while to write about this, but as the title suggests, I had to absorb a few other pieces of information and experiences, which have effectively contributed to the telling of this tale.

An interesting aspect of the beginning of my hitch, is that from within moments of approaching my “starting point”, the clouds burst into a sudden downpour of rain. Ha, nice timing, I thought. I was amused with this, and also relieved to know that there was ahead a bridge under which I could stand, and still be next to the flow of traffic. Though it took a substantial (to the point of ridiculous) amount of time to get the first ride, as in a previous hitch, it was with people who had organized a ride online via mitfahrgelegendheit.

The driver and rider were going to Stuttgart, which was written on one of my signs. Seeing this, they spontaneously decided to include me in on the ride. This would take me 9/10th of my way! Getting to my destination involved only two rides. The second driver went out of his way to bring me precisely to the doorstep, of my destination.

I like to make a friendly play on the letters of the signs, by forming a kind of smiley face with the umlaut.

The return trip was more consequential, I found. Of course, everything one experiences, has to do with the way one chooses to interpret it. Though it involved 4 times as many rides and took me hundreds of kilmeters out of my way, it introduced a lot more information which I deemed relevant and actually, life changing.

Now wait, first the context. I was leaving a guy [drum roll or yawn] with ambivalent emotions – sadness, hopes and fears – whom I have adored, who isn’t exactly reciprocal in his admiration of me.

The first ride which occurred promptly within two minutes; a tall, handsome, fashionably dressed guy in sleek leather pants; warm, smiling, driving a British car which I noticed had a very cool interior design. Often I don’t notice dress or the exterior of machines, unless something is outstandingly beautiful or ugly. ha! Talkin’ about the material world. Michael, born in the vicinity, was on his way to work as a speech therapist. He was pleasant, and we had a nice conversation in that short duration of time until he was heading into Stuttgart, beyond a reasonable place to drop me off.

The next ride, who fortunately stopped at a rather inconvenient place, was Caner. I have to point out, that I get a lot of double and triple takes from the pedestrians who are not accustomed to seeing someone hitch hiking. I enjoy looking at the people commuting on bike, strolling of all ages, backgrounds. Though Caner was heading as well into Stuttgart, I spontaneously opted to get in the car, figuring I’d deal with where he would let me off, when the time comes to make that decision. He was also handsome, around the same age as the last driver, early 30’s. He’s was as distinctively ethnic, as he was well dressed and polished looking. Of Turkish decent, Caner is an insurance broker, whose German based company deals with high-risk. We also had a pleasant conversation the whole time. I’m interested in a lot of things, and have learned bits and pieces about a lot of topics; having lived in a lot of places and worked in jobs ranging from; being a sous chef and waitress in restaurants in Washington D.C. to slinging out lattés in espresso bars, to working in the administrative end of finance and industrial utility companies during the years I worked peripherally in the corporate world in San Francisco (temporarily an Executive Assistant in Charles Schwab) to teaching skiing. At the Ski Valley in Taos, New Mexico, my workday started in the glaring snow within pristine mountains at an elevation of about 9,500 feet = 2895 meters. By the way, it was while working at Taos Ski Valley that I saw a sign hanging on the wall, which has indefinitely been a theme in my life which I’ve wanted to aspire to ” Make your work your play, and your play your work”.

Though I have been warned previously about ‘getting stuck in the middle of Stuttgart’ or any city for that matter, as opposed to remaining on the highway en route to one’s destination, I followed Caner’s judgment. Upon leaving him, I walked over to the other side of the street, within the city perimeter, but close to the edge, at a point where the entrance to the highway was not that far removed. He’d seen other people hitching there, it has a place for people to pull over. I had a nice view from this hill, looking into the town beyond.

By virtue of a previous hitchhiking trip, I had studied and memorized (via a German atlas) all of the German States/Länder and some of the cities residing in them.

It was sunny, relatively mild, and I was, so I’m told, in the most conservative city and state in Germany. I didn’t let that dissuade my spirit. In not too long of a time, a woman with a smiling face pulled over. Gaby, Gabriele, was warm, friendly and had a sparkle in her voice; a delightful spirit. She explained she was on her way to a point on the highway where she could let me off, yet actually in the direction of Munich, southeast. I wanted to go north. I didn’t care, I took the ride to get out of the town. This proved to be a pivotal ride, in that she spoke about a lot of things that were quite relevant to what I had been feeling and ‘going through’. As two females together, we drifted into the topic of ‘relationships’ and the emotional aspects of life; as opposed to business and commerce!

I eventually informed her why I was there, and as I started to go into a few more details about my relationship, she responded to certain things I mentioned with a lot of comments. She elaborated about her own experiences in a previous relationship. Basically, without prying, but just responding honestly, the conversation started drawing out a lot of my emotions. In my fatigued state and within just hours of leaving my friend, tears started to well in my eyes. I felt that it was uncanny that this woman and her messages, which resonated as quite enlightening, had suddenly appeared. I pointed out to her that I appreciated what she was expressing and felt that it was strangely synchronistic in timing, that she picked me and had so much to contribute with her insights. To this she responded, “there are no accidents”. I believe she was coming from a Christian perspective, which mirrored my own spiritual one; believing that intention attracts that which will reflect it. Her points, after revealing ‘herstory’ as opposed to ‘history’, was that a person must first love him/her self, before being able to love someone else. And that it is each of our responsibility to follow the route which allows us to be happy. She pointed out that I appear to have “a high tolerance for suffering”, which is an exercise in futility, in a world designed for us to aspire to be happy and fulfilled, as a measure of well-being.

There’s nothing cool or admirable about resisting this, because a person can not inspire, help or serve other members of the human community, if he/she isn’t aiming to be at his/her best and feeling their best, physically and emotionally. Incidentally, this specific point was talked about in this video I just checked out, a PBS feature of Wayne Dyer talking about “The Power of Intention

Speaking of intention, the next ride was with a young man, Dieter who lives in Munich. At this point, I was without question, heading south and east, going several hundred kilometers out of my way. Rather than getting closer to Berlin, I was on my way to Munich, in Bavaria. Dieter talked continuously. Said that he had decided at the age of 25 that he better start concentrating on how he was going to make his living in this world. He then moved to Munich/München, the financial and publishing hub of Germany, with the intent of finding work. Starting with a job at a “call center” after moving to this wealthy business center, he subsequently changed jobs and applied the skills he learned to work within the call center department of the large US technology firm, Insight, which works adjacently in the same technology solutions as Microsoft. He recognized while working there, the corporate, culture clashes between the American company and the German ways of doing things, and bounced out to start his own company. As the geschäftsführer / managing director of his company, it proved to be so successful in establishing contracts for businesses, installing Microsoft systems, that the giant Microsoft itself, was forced to contend with this little player. They negotiated a contract with his company, in order to participate rather than compete, in their European business strategies and operations. He is young, proud and now has 17 employees, doing what he loves as the primary sales person.

With respect to business sales, he talked of the need to not only establish a rapport with the administrative department directors, but specifically with the technical liaison person, who with their technical knowledge and expertise, is the primary ‘obstacle’ – the person to convince that implementing this system is worth their while. Dieter spoke enthusiastically the entire time, and wound up driving me through the heart of Munich to take me to a place on the autobahn north of the city on the A9, where all traffic will lead to points north. The great thing, is that now I had a personal tour guide who was able to elaborate on the various architectural icons, which are at the core of this city’s history. Having missed the skyline of palaces and religious institutions, instead my attention was drawn to business and commerce architectural feats we were driving by. “The Olympic Stadium“, a vast tent like structure which was the site of the 1972 Summer Olympics. The tower of the “BMW Headquarters” and “BMW Museum”. The new sports facility, “The Allianz Arena“, which lights up in the evening with a color corresponding to which ‘home’ team is playing there that night. As an aside, funny how sports arenas are branded with the financial God (Dog spelled backwards) who forked out the money, i.e. the stadium in San Francisco, CA is “AT&T Park”.

Munich is home to several professional football teams, including FC Bayern sports club. This stadium was among those central to the World Cup in 2006. The stadium looks like a big padded bubble, branded throughout with Allianz who funded it. “Allianz’s” global headquarters is based in Munich. It’s ‘the’ insurance company of insurance companies; which insures, insurance companies. 😉 Not bad, in terms of prestige among the heavy-weights in the multinational court. With a global presence and certainly many subsidiary off-shoots, they are the second largest international insurance and financial services organization in the world. I just read that Allianz AG was founded in Berlin in 1890 and shifted its headquarters to Munich in 1949. Uhh, and there’s some bad press in wiki alluding to Third Reich affiliations.

Well, as it is March, I missed the Oktoberfest and Hofbräuhaus, signatures of this town…and hadn’t known that Siemens is based there. Nor had I realized that the “Max Planck Society” is headquartered in Munich, with dozes of institutes in the city (from astrophysics to biochemistry to quantum optics), and branches all over Germany as well as in Rome and the US. Incidentally, Max Planck is considered the founder of quantum theory.

This brings me circling back to Wayne Dyer, who in his presentation regarding his book “The Power of Intention”, mentions two people who influenced him; Max Planck and Carlos Castañeda. Carlos Castañeda influenced me as well, when in fact, I once decided not to continue with a university course in Economics, because I found it to be so wrong, and against my beliefs of what is important. Keynes spearheaded a revolution in economic thinking.  In this blog, https://carolkeiter.wordpress.com/2011/03/30/spring-soltice-11-hitchabout-there-are-no-accidents/ I pointed out the writings of the economist John Maynard Keynes which resounded with me, in this article written in Monde Diplio (the English online version of Monde Diplomatique. Dyer quoted Planck accepting his Nobel Prize; “As a man who has devoted his whole life to the most clearheaded science, the study of matter, I can tell you that as a result of my research into atoms; there is no matter, as such. All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particle of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together. We must assume behind this force, the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter. ” I mention this, because it substantiates the fact, that there are no coincidences, ‘shit happens’, for a reason 😮

Dieter left me off with a smile and his business card. The next ride which arrived swiftly, was another attractive, professional man, Uli, short for Ulrich, who lives East of Munich, not far from Salzburg, Austria. He’s involved in Management and Leadership training. I was intent on probing and discussing with him aspects of his work. We chatted during the duration. Uli has a wife and several kids and loves the land and nature where he lives.

I was cordially left off by him at another large rest stop/gas/restaurant station along the A9, where I waited for only a short time, before another young guy dressed in business attire asserted that he could give me a ride, while talking on his cell phone. His name was Philippe; young, professional, cute and smart guy (what’s up with that 😉 whose mother is French and father a German university professor. We spoke a bit in both languages, though he’s quite capable in English, and has lived in both Munich, Germany and France. He’s a headhunter for high level personnel with legal aptitude and expertise; hiring them for large international corporate clients. He had studied international relations and law, with a minor in Asian studies. Sensing that Asia will be the next global business power, he had done his thesis on this topic. He illustrated this idea mentioning that in the 19th Century, the world was ‘Euro Centric’, in the 20th, ‘America’ was the focal point and in the 21st C, by virtue of population numbers alone as well as growing industry, by mid century ‘Asia Pacific’ will be dominant.

Philippe has lived and worked in Singapore, where he was planning to move the following week, to begin a new job within the same company he had worked in previously. I queried whether he might feel isolated or insulated living in an Asian country as a European, to which he pointed out that there are large numbers of expatriates there. He said he has a number of Singaporian friends as well. According to wiki; the population of Singapore has the sixth-highest percentage of foreigners globally, just over forty percent. I hadn’t known that, nor that English is one of their official languages, next to Malay and Mandarin. I did however have an inkling that it’s a modern and technologically sophisticated country, as a lot of countries in Southeast Asia appear to be. He pointed out that if he was in need of an operation, he wouldn’t hesitate to trust the medical system there, as much or more than in the Western World.

His unique perspective from what he’s studied and having lived in the country previously, introduced to me a new way of looking at things. He mentioned that from the Western point of view, Singapore might appear to have a harsh penal system, but then, people do learn their lesson and are effectively thwarted from going against the law. I know that vast numbers of young black men are jailed in the United States, which is a huge financial racket in itself, in which ‘correction’ and rehabilitation often are not a part of the process. One can’t really judge a system in a sweeping glance.

Philippe spoke of Democracy, as having very different interpretations in different places, and the fact that you can’t try to just force or stamp a country with a democratic system, and think that it’s going to stick. Another way of looking at this, is to realize that a people’s core beliefs, influence how they will interpret things. For example, whether they value the individual as having the highest authority, or the group/state. Indicating that the Chinese philosopher “Confucious” had a system of ethics and rules of behavior which centered on the group and relationships, as opposed to the individual, Philippe went on to show some more examples of how even a system that appears ‘socialist’ on the outside, can in effect manifest a democratic process in their decisions, even when in fact the majority of the people are voting to maintain something, that is ‘better for the group’. In light of this fact in the Asian world, democracy plays out differently. He mentioned that when the government of Singapore had wished to modernize in their attitudes, and introduced a more liberal law, that in fact most of the population resisted. Philippe pointed out, that this in fact demonstrated more of a true democratic process, in light of the fact that the majority ruled against something that the Government wished to proactively impose, which would have given individuals more supremacy. It’s quite a contrast to the huge influence that money and power have to sway the ‘democratic process’ in the United States system of “Corpocrisy” (my coined term).

Having studied Cultural Anthropology and had a growing interest in business, global politics and environmental affairs, I found this ride incredibly informative and valuable. I did have one more ride for two highway station stops, with an elderly man who spoke next to nothing, to whom I mirrored and returned the favor of silence 😉 The last ride was with several young Berliner guys returning after working at a book conference in Leipzig. After I’d been dropped off by them at an S-Bahn station, I was still carrying my “Berlin” sign, when some guy (who was with a few people inline skating around cones they set up in the concrete underground highway underpass) jokingly pointed out to me, “hey, you’re (already) In Berlin”!

Destination 2 rides, return, ’bout 8, but with a ridiculous amount of new information to pack into the experience!

“When you change the way that you look at things, the things you look at change.”

the missing dimension | Quantum Consciousness |

In January of 2010, I blogged about an earlier ‘hitchabout‘, which I mentioned then, is a wordplay, aligned with the concept of the Aboriginal Walkabout.
During this hitchhiking adventure, a number of synchronicities took place. I recognized then, two repeated themes which surfaced during this journey. One of these was on the subject of Native American spirituality which came up repeatedly. One with respect to a dreamcatcher that was present which is a Native American legend. The other, my introduction to a hint of the concept of the changes that are taking place presently in the world, through a meeting which took place among North and South American Indians in 2003, with some of their insights captured in “The White Road“.

The other recurring theme was neuroplasticity.

In “The White Road“, the indigenous people describe that they are certain that not only is all past information of the universe stored in our bodies, but that we are constantly provided with new information from the Cosmos. It flows through us so that we can consciously perceive the information, tune into it and learn to understand it.

Within the concept of neuroplasticity, I mentioned to one of the driver’s a book written by a professor of Neuroscience, Antonio Damasio, “Descartes’ Error: Emotion, Reason, and the Human Brain“. In the process of formulating new thoughts or tasks, the neurons involved are not located in specific areas, but the brain creates convoluted neural networks spanning different lobes, encoded across different regions, depending on the different associations that are being built in the process. Ultimately, the author talks about the interdependence of emotions, in the reasoning process.

In the field of Neurology, it is understood that in the process of creating thoughts, and specifically, the essential nature of the meaning behind a thought, can not only expand our minds, but also in essence, affect the rest of our body, either beneficially or harmfully.

I mention these, because at the time of the writing, I was compelled to delineate a germinating theory of mine, explaining the how and why of incidents such as synchronistic events, precognition, ESP extrasensory perception, clairvoyance and telepathy as well as multiple discoveries…

I proposed then “that in the formulation of a thought that is taking place within my brain, and a similar meaning pattern that is outside of me; that those concepts, resonant in meaning and intent, intercept one another.”

But first, let me backtrack and relate one perspective that radically shifted my focus. My intention then was to make a point of the power of “thought”, until I read some words on the subject of thought by Sri Chinmoy. In this paper he distills the difference between ‘thought’ and ‘mind’, saying that the former is typically generated by the ego, involving ‘desire’ – among typically a lot of chatter and noise – and the latter, more to do with ‘aspiration’, typically involving silencing the mind and opening the heart.

With this in mind, allow me to introduce the missing dimension: “quantum consciousness”. I’ve rewired my theory, having been introduced to the work of a theoretical quantum physicist, Dr. Amit Goswami.

Deepak Chopra, an Indian American physician, states that “we live in the Age of the Higher Brain, the cerebral cortex that has grown enormously over the last few millennium, overshadowing the ancient, instinctive lower brain.” He has been among the pioneers of quantum medicine. However, it was from the writing of Amit Goswami, in his paper, “Signatures of the Divine“, that I learned of his concepts, and how they can be applied to illuminate my theory.

In the introduction to the paper, Amit says “This entire paper is an exercise in how to take the straightjacket of scientific materialism off our back.” Parallel to what the Native Americans stated in “The White Way”, with reference to the fact that “They perceive that at the present time, doors are opening to different dimensions, and as multi-dimensional beings, it is up to us to now move through them, and leave the prison of our limited consciousness behind.”

In the world of sub-atomic particles, a new dimension is introduced, unlike the causal laws in physics, in which the “observer” affects the outcome of that being measured. With respect to the ‘double slit experiments‘, (believe me I’m no physicist nor mathematician) within quantum physics, this link contains a basic explanation for the lay person like me, to get an idea of the terminology that Dr. Goswami uses.

The conclusions drawn in the double slit experiments, is that “the electron leaves the source as a particle, becomes a wave of potentials and interferes with itself when it hits the wall. This phenomenon is known as a wave-particle duality, the concept that matter and energy exhibits both wave-like and matter-like properties…The electron once leaving the source goes into what is known as superposition, (in which) the electron takes every conceivable and inconceivable path, through both slits, through one slit, through no slits rebounding against the sheet, around the experiment. However, upon measuring this, the wave function collapses, and is forced to go through a single slit; going back to behaving like a particle, no longer demonstrating the interference pattern of waves. Quanta, the discreet bundles of energy that basically, in the form of electrons or protons demonstrate not linearly moving from one energy level around the orbit of an atom, but jump; discontinuously appearing in this or that orbit.

In Signatures of the Divine, Amit “argues that quantum physics shows us the way, by giving us back downward causation and its agent—Quantum consciousness (popularly called God) acting through the observer. In Newtonian physics, objects are determined things. But in quantum physics, objects are possibilities for consciousness to choose from. When an observer looks, the observer’s consciousness chooses among the quantum possibilities, to collapse an actuality of experience. Quantum collapse is downward causation.” Upward causation would be for example, describing “a flow” experience, as occurring because of “muscle memory” or some other biological/chemical function occurring in the body.

My intent in correlating his concepts with my paper, is not to attempt to prove the existence of God; I have more of an allegiance with the concepts of the psychologist, Carl Gustav Jung, who coined the term “synchronicity” as well as “collective unconscious” and illustrated in his theories a world of archetypal images that are essentially meaning. I see the quantum aspects which Dr. Goswami alludes to – the “supramental”; as consisting of archetypes of meaning, describing what we experience when collapsed into biological functions as intuition.

Amit further states that “We create our own reality through quantum collapse involved in making an observation, but there is a subtlety in consciousness. We do not create reality in our ordinary state of consciousness, but in a non-ordinary state of consciousness.

Here is where the distinction between “thought” and “mind” arises, and where intention, coming either from conscious or unconscious processes, over-rules. Amit describes the results of the Nobel laureate physicist who first thought of the paradox of Wigner’s friend: Goswami stated that “After many decades, three physicists at different places and times, Ludwig Bass (1971) in Australia, myself (Goswami, 1989, 1993) at Oregon, and Casey Blood (2001) at Rutgers, New Jersey, independently discovered the solution of the paradox: consciousness is one, non-local and cosmic, behind the two people’s local individuality.”

Amit talks of the ‘speed limit’ imposed on the universe by Einstein, in which no thing can travel faster than the speed of light. “Quantum physics, besides discontinuity, gives us another amazing principle to operate with–non-locality. The principle of locality says that all communication must proceed through local signals that have a speed limit.” I concur, adding that thought is not limited by this, but instantaneous, moving from past, present to future. As you read, and actively think about what I’ve written, you will process the ideas through images you create. Creating new links from the outside, or drawing from within; memories, dreams and reflections of ideas. All of these imprint the screen through which you are looking.

However, Goswami, as well as Chinmoy specify a distinction between ordinary thought and a consciousness within which we are all enfolded. “Quantum non-locality is–a signal-less interconnectedness outside space and time… The situation is saved by the idea of unconscious processing, a part and parcel of the creative process. It is conscious processing that costs time.” He writes about this also in his book Quantum Creativity (Goswami, 1999).

My guess is that when you have a sudden flash of insight or intuition, that this is an a-causal, non localized, immediate apprehension or grasp of a concept; connecting the web of neuro synaptic connections within our brains, along with the entangled hierarchical relationships with events and people – experiences – outside. A leap occurs, discontinuously triggered either from outside or inside – it doesn’t matter – at which time the energy that is oscillating at the same frequency from both sources, coalesces. Sort of the same concept as having receptors in our brains that are similar to the chemical makeup of a substance outside of the brain, thus triggering the response. If the receptors weren’t there, there would be no perceived affect. And in the case of the subtleties of meaning and intent within conscious awareness, when a symmetry occurs with similar archetypes, a concept can be received and ignited, occurring as a sudden realization.

Even more elegant, perhaps information goes back and forth through a conduit like an umbilical cord, or worm hole, from what we see and perceive through our senses of matter, connecting with meaning structures, instantaneously, in another space-time, thus explaining the phenomena of intention manifesting in matter, and information received expressed as intuition.

What does this mean? In terms of free will vs. determinism, nature vs. nurture… both are true. Regarding the emotional/physical/mental aspects of a human being; your physical body is pretty much limited by your skin’s surface on the outside, though even this can be influenced and permeated by the mind. With respect to the emotional/mental sphere, ‘thought’ processes ‘appear’ to occur localized within the brain. Yet, regarding the ‘mind’ and the supramental, this is as much a part of a gigantic fabric of energy wave particles that permeate all of matter; and when one has the experience of a realization of an object of knowledge, without thought, it simply is there in the mind anew.

Just as our physical body contains miles of DNA, encoded with information from the past of all life, so does our conscious (potential), consist of an energy fabric of waves, in which we are immersed, and through which all archetypes of ideas, present as vibrating possibilities, like seeds of meaning omnipresent in all energy.

We only recently discerned that as the oceans that cover three quarters of the surface of the planet, our bodies are also made up of 75% water. And until also fairly recently in history, man did not have much of a grasp of what air is and what the earth’s atmosphere is made of, nor realized that much of the chemical make-up of our bodies consists of the same elements found within the soils and rock of our planet. Scientists still haven’t figured out why the mass of the universe, surpasses the weight of all of the planets in the cosmos, revealed through calculations measuring how fast the universe is expanding.

We are however creatures living within the limits of our world(s), with lots of ‘noise and clutter’ of information all around us, much of it we don’t need or use. Therefore, we remain more or less distracted and confined, within the world we perceive with our senses. Perhaps every thought or idea, discovery or invention, is part of a supramental | a priori | state of existence, in which all concepts have always existed, and it has been only through various triggers, that these became ‘conscious’ throughout mankind’s time on this planet; erupting among different people(s) during various times. Perhaps all “ideas/concepts” mathematical laws… already exist within themselves, and are the basic building blocks of consciousness; archetypes of truths which have always been present within the kernel of the entire ‘becoming’ of the universe. And this web of consciousness, present within the seed of all life that ever did and will happen; a blueprint not contained with a particular space-time location, but everywhere at once as a hologram of possibilities. An idea which could potentially be ignited, to collapse into an event, when the leverage occurs to unite the connection; of which the essential element must be a similar meaning. Meaning or intention, as energy in its purist form.

Therefore, when Native American Indians of the Amazon talk of being directly given information from indigenous plants upon ingesting them, or Aborigines ‘becoming’ or ‘dreaming’ the thing which they need to be connected to, this has nothing to do with the traditional material/linear way of thinking. This has to do with directly apprehending something, through a matching of intent. The intention, conscious or unconscious, transported and arched to the concept, via the ‘waves’ of emotion. A conception, is already present within the cells and systems of life on the micro level, within animals plants. So the world as we know it, with homo sapiens and their ‘brains’ at the top, is actually ‘upside down’. Humans are conduits to intelligence and highly sophisticated processes, that appear to be conscious, yet occurring readily and immediately, within the minutest fabric of life. We appear to be the last to ‘get it’. In a funny circular kind of way, science is finally showing the head of the snake, it’s tail.

As I was somehow coming to an intuitive conclusion, that the lines that I describe within my dream (in the caption of this worm hole diagram below)
are energy, no they’re space-time, then I thought, could they be all of these, and I linked to this information.


“The three media — time, space and energy — are waved together. Each has its own properties and behaviors, but one cannot exist without the others….Energetic activity means space and time…In space, different energy levels appear from time to time. Their activity brings about the appearance of swirls, which cause changes of time and space (phase transitions).”

The connection between “Space, Time, Energy & Matter” are discussed clearly for the layperson in this paper, in which Bernard Cloutier reveals the unfolding of our understanding, through scientific discoveries. In his description:

“Quantum mechanics deal with the way that energy exists only in discrete packets, or quanta, at the ultra microscopic scale of the fundamental building blocks of the universe rather than in the continuously varying amounts we are familiar with in classical physics. For example, the single electron of the hydrogen atom flies around the nucleus only in certain orbits that correspond to specific energy levels. The electron cannot occupy intermediate orbits but it can jump from one orbit to a higher or lower one by acquiring or losing a quantum of energy in the form of a photon.

Quantum mechanics describes how the electromagnetic force, the weak force and the strong force interact with matter. The model on which quantum mechanics is based uses the same idealized concept of dimensionless points used in the model of an ideal gas. It presumes that the fermions that make up matter (electrons, quarks and their antimatter partners), and the bosons that transmit energy (photons, gluons and weak gauge bosons), are dimensionless entities that differ only by their various attributes such as mass, charge and spin. ( Later, it became evident that a new concept called ‘string theory‘ was the only way to reconcile general relativity with quantum mechanics.)

According to this theory, fundamental particles are the manifestations of the vibration of extremely small regions of space, various modes of these vibrations giving rise to all the known fermions and bosons.

String theory eventually postulated the existence of six “curled up” dimensions in addition to the four “extended” dimensions we know, (right-left, up-down, front-back and past-future) to provide all the vibration modes required to give rise to all the known fundamental particles.

What does this last string of references have to do with my point about consciousness? That’s precisely it, consciousness is not a point from my ego localized here, and your ego localized area, but is a multi-dimentional interwoven mesh of energy waves, that together with sensory perceptions and awareness, which we (I and you) perceive as “subjective”, in so far as we are only consciously operating within the four dimensions of space-time. Consciousness is perhaps like a primordial soup of collective unconscious and/or a supramental reservoir; from which just as the DNA in every cell has the blueprint of the entire organism encoded within, our “mind” taps into this collective “consciousness”, within which we are contained. Consciousness is not ‘in our brain’, which can spin off all sorts of debris (some of you may think of my ideas as just that !-) called “thinking”, but a channel, tunneling into this multi-dimensional vibrating entity that encodes information regarding meaning which is implicit, to and from which we all have periodic lapses. ‘-)

Ironically, what has taken me 7 pages to describe (and still working on simplifying), Bill Hicks, the now deceased comic, was able to convey with humor and eloquence in 60 seconds, in the 8/8 part of a live show recorded, called Revelations.